CGAL 5.4.5 - Polygon Mesh Processing
PMPCorefinementVisitor Concept Reference


The concept PMPCorefinementVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in corefinement-related functions to track the creation of new faces and new edges.

Has Models:

Public Types

typedef unspecified_type Triangle_mesh
 Mesh type.
typedef unspecified_type face_descriptor
 Face descriptor type.
typedef unspecified_type halfedge_descriptor
 Halfedge descriptor type.

Functions used by corefine() when faces are split

void before_subface_creations (face_descriptor f_split, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called before the triangulation of f_split in tm. More...
void after_subface_creations (const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called when the triangulation of a face in tm is finished.
void before_subface_created (const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called before creating a new triangle face in tm to triangulate the face passed to before_subface_creations().
void after_subface_created (face_descriptor f_new, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called after creating a new triangle face f_new in tm to triangulate the face passed to before_subface_creations(). More...

Functions used by corefine() when edges are split or created

void before_edge_split (halfedge_descriptor h, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called before the edge of h in tm is split. More...
void edge_split (halfedge_descriptor hnew, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called when a new split is done. The target of hnew is a new split vertex. There is only one call per edge.
void after_edge_split ()
 called when the split of the halfedge h passed at the later call to before_edge_split() is finished.
void add_retriangulation_edge (halfedge_descriptor h, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called when a new edge has been added to triangulate a face. More...

Functions used by corefine() when a new vertex is created.

void intersection_point_detected (std::size_t i_id, int sdim, halfedge_descriptor h_f, halfedge_descriptor h_e, const Triangle_mesh &tm_f, const Triangle_mesh &tm_e, bool is_target_coplanar, bool is_source_coplanar)
 called when a new intersection point is detected. More...
void new_vertex_added (std::size_t i_id, vertex_descriptor v, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called when a new vertex is added in tm (either an edge split or a vertex inserted in the interior of a face). More...

Functions used by Boolean operations functions using corefinement.

These functions are not needed if you only call corefine().

void before_face_copy (face_descriptor f_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called before importing the face f_src of tm_src in tm_tgt
void after_face_copy (face_descriptor f_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, face_descriptor f_tgt, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called after importing the face f_src of tm_src in tm_tgt. More...
void before_edge_copy (halfedge_descriptor h_src/, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called before importing the edge of h_src of tm_src in tm_tgt. There is one call per edge.
void after_edge_copy (halfedge_descriptor h_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, halfedge_descriptor h_tgt, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called after importing the edge of h_src of tm_src in tm_tgt. More...
void before_edge_duplicated (halfedge_descriptor h, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called before a patch boundary edge is duplicated to disconnect patches of tm (When an in-place operation and an out-of-place are both requested). More...
void after_edge_duplicated (halfedge_descriptor h_src, halfedge_descriptor h_new, const Triangle_mesh &tm)
 called when the edge of h_src has been duplicated into h_new in tm (When an in-place operation and an out-of-place are both requested). More...
void intersection_edge_copy (halfedge_descriptor h_src1, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src1, halfedge_descriptor h_src2, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src2, halfedge_descriptor h_tgt, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called when an intersection edge (represented in input meshes tm_src1 and tm_src2 by h_src1 and h_src2, respectively) is imported in tm_tgt as h_tgt. More...
void before_vertex_copy (vertex_descriptor v_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called before vertex v_src from tm_src is copied in tm_tgt
void after_vertex_copy (vertex_descriptor v_src, const Triangle_mesh &tm_src, vertex_descriptor v_tgt, const Triangle_mesh &tm_tgt)
 called after vertex v_src from tm_src is copied in tm_tgt. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_retriangulation_edge()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::add_retriangulation_edge ( halfedge_descriptor  h,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called when a new edge has been added to triangulate a face.

The face triangulated is f_split in the last call to before_subface_creations(f_split, tm). There is only one call per edge.

◆ after_edge_copy()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::after_edge_copy ( halfedge_descriptor  h_src,
const Triangle_mesh tm_src,
halfedge_descriptor  h_tgt,
const Triangle_mesh tm_tgt 

called after importing the edge of h_src of tm_src in tm_tgt.

The corresponding new halfedge is h_tgt. There is only one call per edge.

◆ after_edge_duplicated()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::after_edge_duplicated ( halfedge_descriptor  h_src,
halfedge_descriptor  h_new,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called when the edge of h_src has been duplicated into h_new in tm (When an in-place operation and an out-of-place are both requested).

◆ after_face_copy()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::after_face_copy ( face_descriptor  f_src,
const Triangle_mesh tm_src,
face_descriptor  f_tgt,
const Triangle_mesh tm_tgt 

called after importing the face f_src of tm_src in tm_tgt.

The new face is f_tgt. Note that the call is placed just after a call to add_face() so the halfedge pointer is not set yet.

◆ after_subface_created()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::after_subface_created ( face_descriptor  f_new,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called after creating a new triangle face f_new in tm to triangulate the face passed to before_subface_creations().

Note that the call is placed just after a call to add_face() so the halfedge pointer is not set yet.

◆ after_vertex_copy()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::after_vertex_copy ( vertex_descriptor  v_src,
const Triangle_mesh tm_src,
vertex_descriptor  v_tgt,
const Triangle_mesh tm_tgt 

called after vertex v_src from tm_src is copied in tm_tgt.

The new vertex is v_tgt. The point has already been put in the vertex point map.

◆ before_edge_duplicated()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::before_edge_duplicated ( halfedge_descriptor  h,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called before a patch boundary edge is duplicated to disconnect patches of tm (When an in-place operation and an out-of-place are both requested).

◆ before_edge_split()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::before_edge_split ( halfedge_descriptor  h,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called before the edge of h in tm is split.

Each subsequent call to edge_split() until the call to after_edge_split() will correspond to the split of that edge. If edge_split(h_i, tm) is called for i=1 to n, h_1, h_2, ... ,h_n, h is the sequence of halfedges representing the edge split (with the same initial orientation). There is only one call per edge.

◆ before_subface_creations()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::before_subface_creations ( face_descriptor  f_split,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called before the triangulation of f_split in tm.

Note that f_split will be one of the faces of the triangulation. Each subsequent call to before_subface_created()/after_subface_created() will correspond to the creation of a new face of the triangulation of f_split.

◆ intersection_edge_copy()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::intersection_edge_copy ( halfedge_descriptor  h_src1,
const Triangle_mesh tm_src1,
halfedge_descriptor  h_src2,
const Triangle_mesh tm_src2,
halfedge_descriptor  h_tgt,
const Triangle_mesh tm_tgt 

called when an intersection edge (represented in input meshes tm_src1 and tm_src2 by h_src1 and h_src2, respectively) is imported in tm_tgt as h_tgt.

There is only one call per edge. (Called only when an out-of-place operation is requested)

◆ intersection_point_detected()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::intersection_point_detected ( std::size_t  i_id,
int  sdim,
halfedge_descriptor  h_f,
halfedge_descriptor  h_e,
const Triangle_mesh tm_f,
const Triangle_mesh tm_e,
bool  is_target_coplanar,
bool  is_source_coplanar 

called when a new intersection point is detected.

The intersection is detected using a face of tm_f and an edge of tm_e.

i_idthe id of the intersection point, starting at 0. Ids are consecutive.
sdimindicates the dimension of the simplex part of the face that is intersected by the edge (0 for a vertex, 1 for an edge, 2 for the interior of the face)
h_fa halfedge from tm_f indicating the simplex intersected: if sdim==0 the target of h_f is the intersection point, if sdim==1 the edge of h_f contains the intersection point in its interior, if sdim==2 the face of h_f contains the intersection point in its interior.
h_ea halfedge from tm_e
is_target_coplanartrue iff the target of h_e is the intersection point
is_source_coplanartrue iff the source of h_e is the intersection point
tm_fmesh containing h_f
tm_emesh containing h_e

◆ new_vertex_added()

void PMPCorefinementVisitor::new_vertex_added ( std::size_t  i_id,
vertex_descriptor  v,
const Triangle_mesh tm 

called when a new vertex is added in tm (either an edge split or a vertex inserted in the interior of a face).

i_id is the intersection point id reported in new_node_added. For each mesh, a vertex with a given id will be reported exactly once, except if it is already an existing vertex.