▼NCGAL | |
CAlgebraic_kernel_for_circles_2_2 | |
CCircular_arc_2 | |
CCircular_arc_point_2 | |
CCircular_kernel_2 | |
CExact_circular_kernel_2 | A typedef to a circular kernel that provides both exact geometric predicates and exact geometric constructions |
CLine_arc_2 | |
CPolynomial_1_2 | |
CPolynomial_for_circles_2_2 | |
CRoot_for_circles_2_2 | |
▼CAlgebraicKernelForCircles | The AlgebraicKernelForCircles concept is meant to provide the curved kernel with all the algebraic functionalities required for the manipulation of circular arcs |
CCompareX | |
CCompareXY | |
CCompareY | |
CConstructPolynomial_1_2 | |
CConstructPolynomialForCircles_2_2 | |
CPolynomial_1_2 | Concept to represent bivariate polynomials of degree 1 whose coefficients are of a type that is a model of the concept RingNumberType |
CPolynomialForCircles_2_2 | Concept to represent bivariate polynomials of degree up to 2 capable of storing equations of circles, whose center's coordinates, as well as the square of the radius, are of a type that is a model of the concept FieldNumberType |
CRootForCircles_2_2 | Concept to represent the roots of a system of two equations of degree 2 in two variables x and y that are models of concept AlgebraicKernelForCircles::PolynomialForCircles_2_2 |
CSignAt | |
CSolve | |
CXCriticalPoints | |
CYCriticalPoints | |
▼CCircularKernel | |
CBoundedSide_2 | |
CCircularArc_2 | Concept for arcs of circles |
CCircularArcPoint_2 | Concept for points on circles, circular arcs or line arcs |
CCompareX_2 | |
CCompareXY_2 | |
CCompareY_2 | |
CCompareYatX_2 | A function object concept to compare a point p and an arc a on the vertical line passing through p |
CCompareYtoRight_2 | A function object concept to compare vertically two arcs on the right side of a common point p : |
CComputeCircularX_2 | |
CComputeCircularY_2 | |
CConstructBbox_2 | A function object concept to construct a bounding box of geometric objects: |
CConstructCircle_2 | |
CConstructCircularArc_2 | |
CConstructCircularArcPoint_2 | |
CConstructCircularMaxVertex_2 | |
CConstructCircularMinVertex_2 | |
CConstructCircularSourceVertex_2 | |
CConstructCircularTargetVertex_2 | |
CConstructLine_2 | |
CConstructLineArc_2 | |
CDoIntersect_2 | Testing whether two curves intersect |
CDoOverlap_2 | Testing whether the interiors of two curves overlap |
CEqual_2 | Testing equality between objects |
CGetEquation | |
CHasOn_2 | To test whether a point lies on a curve |
CHasOnBoundedSide_2 | |
CHasOnUnboundedSide_2 | |
CIntersect_2 | |
CInXRange_2 | To test whether a point lies in the vertical range of a curve |
CIsVertical_2 | |
CIsXMonotone_2 | |
CIsYMonotone_2 | |
CLineArc_2 | Concept for line segments supported by a line that is a model of Kernel::Line_2 and whose endpoints are models of the CircularKernel::CircularArcPoint_2 concept |
CMakeXMonotone_2 | |
CMakeXYMonotone_2 | |
CSplit_2 | |