▼NCGAL | |
CRange_segment_tree_set_traits_2 | The class Range_segment_tree_set_traits_2 is a range and segment tree traits class for the 2-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel |
CRange_segment_tree_set_traits_3 | The class Range_segment_tree_set_traits_3 is a range and segment tree traits class for the 3-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel |
CRange_tree_d | A d-dimensional range tree stores points and can be used to determine all points that lie inside a given d-dimensional interval |
CRange_tree_k | An object of the class Range_tree_k is a k-dimensional range tree that can store k-dimensional keys of type Key |
CRange_tree_map_traits_2 | The class Range_tree_map_traits_2 is a range tree traits class for the 2-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel, where data of type T is associated to each key |
CRange_tree_map_traits_3 | The class Range_tree_map_traits_3 is a range and segment tree traits class for the 3-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel, where data of type T is associated to each key |
CSegment_tree_d | A d-dimensional segment tree stores d-dimensional intervals and can be used to find all intervals that enclose, partially overlap, or contain a query interval, which may be a point |
CSegment_tree_k | An object of the class Segment_tree_k is a k-dimensional segment tree that can store k-dimensional intervals of type Interval |
CSegment_tree_map_traits_2 | The class Segment_tree_map_traits_2 is a segment tree traits class for the 2-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel, where data of type T is associated to each interval |
CSegment_tree_map_traits_3 | The class Segment_tree_map_traits_3 is a segment tree traits class for the 3-dimensional point class from the CGAL kernel, where data of type T is associated to each interval |
CTree_anchor | Tree_anchor is also derived from Tree_base |
Ctree_interval_traits | tree_interval_traits is a template class that provides an interface to data items |
Ctree_point_traits | tree_point_traits is a template class that provides an interface to data items |
CRangeSegmentTreeTraits_k | A tree traits class gives the range tree and segment tree class the necessary type information of the keys and intervals. Further more, they define function objects that allow to access the keys and intervals, and provide comparison functions that are needed for window queries |
CSublayer | Defines the requirements that a Sublayer_type of class CGAL::Range_tree_d or CGAL::Segment_tree_d has to fulfill |