CGAL 5.5.1 - Surface Mesh Topology
▼NCGAL | |
▼NSurface_mesh_topology | |
CCurves_on_surface_topology | The class Curves_on_surface_topology provides methods to compute shortest non contractible cycles and to test homotopy on paths |
CEuclidean_length_weight_functor | A model of WeightFunctor assigning its Euclidean length to every edge |
CPath_on_surface | The class Path_on_surface represents a walk in a mesh which is either a model of CombinatorialMap , a model of GeneralizedMap or a model of a FaceGraph |
CPolygonal_schema_min_items | The class Polygonal_schema_min_items defines a struct with a std::string as the information associated with darts, and no attribute is enabled |
CPolygonal_schema_with_combinatorial_map | The class Polygonal_schema_with_combinatorial_map is a model of PolygonalSchema using Combinatorial_map as underlying model |
CPolygonal_schema_with_generalized_map | The class Polygonal_schema_with_generalized_map is a model of PolygonalSchema using Generalized_map as underlying model |
CUnit_weight_functor | A model of WeightFunctor assigning unit weight to every edge |
CPolygonalSchema | The concept PolygonalSchema defines a 2D polygonal schema, i.e. a combinatorial surface with labeled edges. A PolygonalSchema is created incrementally by adding facets one at a time. A label is any word, that does not contain a space |
CPolygonalSchemaItems | The concept PolygonalSchemaItems allows to customize a PolygonalSchema by choosing the information associated with darts, and by enabling and disabling some attributes. Dart_wrapper<Map>::Dart_info , should be a class having a public data member std::string m_label |
CWeightFunctor | The concept WeightFunctor defines a functor to calculate the weight of an edge |