CGAL 5.5.5 - 2D Arrangements
ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2 Concept Reference


A model of the concept ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is closed.

See also
ArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2, ArrangementClosedBottomTraits_2, ArrangementClosedTopTraits_2, ArrangementOpenRightTraits_2, ArrangementContractedRightTraits_2, and ArrangementIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2,


typedef unspecified_type Right_side_category
 Must be convertible to CGAL::Arr_closed_side_tag.

Functor Types

typedef unspecified_type Compare_y_on_boundary_2
 models the concept ArrTraits::CompareYOnBoundary_2.

Accessing Functor Objects

Compare_y_on_boundary_2 compare_y_on_boundary_2_object () const