CGAL 5.5.5 - dD Convex Hulls and Delaunay Triangulations
DelaunayLiftedTraits_d Concept Reference


This package is deprecated since the version 4.6 of CGAL. The package dD Triangulations should be used instead.

Requirements of the second traits class to be used with the class CGAL::Delaunay_d.

Has Models:




typedef unspecified_type Point_d
 the dD point type on which the Delaunay algorithm operates
typedef unspecified_type Hyperplane_d
 a dD plane
typedef unspecified_type Vector_d
 a dD vector
typedef unspecified_type Ray_d
 a dD ray
typedef unspecified_type RT
 a arithmetic ring type
typedef unspecified_type Construct_vector_d
 Function object type that provides Vector_d operator()(int d, CGAL::Null_vector), which constructs and returns the null vector.
typedef unspecified_type Construct_hyperplane_d
 Function object type that provides Hyperplane_d operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Point_d p, CGAL::Oriented_side side), which constructs and returns a hyperplane passing through the points in tuple[first,last) and oriented such that p is on the side side of the returned hyperplane. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vector_to_point_d
 Function object type that provides Point_d operator()(Vector_d v), which constructs and returns the point defined by \( 0+v\).
typedef unspecified_type Point_to_vector_d
 Function object type that provides Vector_d operator()(Point_d v), which constructs and returns the vector defined by \( p-0\).
typedef unspecified_type Orientation_d
 Function object type that provides Orientation operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last), which determines the orientation of the points tuple[first,last).
typedef unspecified_type Orthogonal_vector_d
 Function object type that provides Vector_d operator()(Hyperplane_d h), which constructs and returns a vector orthogonal to h and pointing from the boundary into its positive halfspace.
typedef unspecified_type Oriented_side_d
 Predicate object type that provides Oriented_side operator()(Hyperplane_d h, Point_d p), which determines the oriented side of p with respect to h.
typedef unspecified_type Has_on_positive_side_d
 Predicate object type that provides bool operator()(Hyperplane_d h, Point_d p), which return true iff p lies in the positive halfspace determined by h.
typedef unspecified_type Affinely_independent_d
 Predicate object type that provides bool operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last), which determines if the points tuple[first,last) are affinely independent.
typedef unspecified_type Contained_in_simplex_d
 Predicate object type that provides bool operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Point_d p), which determines if p is contained in the closed simplex defined by the points in tuple[first,last).
typedef unspecified_type Contained_in_affined_hull_d
 Predicate object type that provides bool operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Point_d p), which determines if p is contained in the affine hull of the points in tuple[first,last).
typedef unspecified_type Intersect_d
 Predicate object type that provides Object operator()(Ray_d r, Hyperplane_d h), which determines if r and h intersect and returns the corresponding polymorphic object.

The previous requirements are all identical to the requirements of concept ConvexHullTraits_d.

The Delaunay class adds the following requirements.

typedef unspecified_type Project_along_d_axis_d
 Predicate object type that provides DelaunayTraits_d::Point_d operator()(Point_d p), which determines the \( d-1\)-dimensional point from the \( d\)-dimensional point \( p\) while discarding the last coordinate.
typedef unspecified_type Lift_to_paraboloid_d
 Predicate object type that provides Point_d operator()(DelaunayTraits_d::Point_d p), which determines the \( d\)-dimensional point from the \( d-1\)-dimensional point \( p\) while lifting it to the paraboloid of revolution.
typedef unspecified_type Component_accessor_d
 Predicate object type that provides RT homogeneous(Vector_d v,int i) and int dimension(Vector_d v), where the former determines the \( i\)th coordinate of \( v\) and the latter the dimension of \( v\).


 DelaunayLiftedTraits_d ()
 A default constructor and copy constructor is required.


For each of the above function and predicate object types, Func_obj_type, a function must exist with the name func_obj_type_object that creates an instance of the function or predicate object type.

For example:

Construct_vector_d construct_vector_d_object ()

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Construct_hyperplane_d

Function object type that provides Hyperplane_d operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Point_d p, CGAL::Oriented_side side), which constructs and returns a hyperplane passing through the points in tuple[first,last) and oriented such that p is on the side side of the returned hyperplane.

When side==ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY then any hyperplane containing the tuple is returned.