CGAL 5.5.5 - 3D Mesh Generation
CGAL::IO Namespace Reference


class  Color


void write_VTU (std::ostream &os, const CDT &tr, IO::Mode mode=IO::BINARY)
template<class C3T3 >
void output_to_avizo (std::ostream &os, const C3T3 &c3t3)
 outputs mesh to avizo format More...
template<class C3T3 >
void output_to_medit (std::ostream &os, const C3T3 &c3t3, bool rebind=false, bool show_patches=false)
 outputs a mesh complex to the medit (.mesh) file format. More...
template<class C3T3 >
void output_to_tetgen (std::string filename, const C3T3 &c3t3, bool rebind=false, bool show_patches=false)
 outputs a mesh complex to tetgen format More...
template<class C3T3 >
void output_to_vtu (std::ostream &os, const C3T3 &c3t3, IO::Mode mode=BINARY)
 writes a tetrahedron mesh using the UnstructuredGrid XML format. More...