CGAL 5.5.5 - 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
CGAL::Nef_polyhedron_3< Nef_polyhedronTraits_3, Nef_polyhedronItems_3 >::SFace Class Reference

#include <CGAL/Nef_polyhedron_3.h>


template<class Nef_polyhedronTraits_3, class Nef_polyhedronItems_3 = CGAL::Default_items<Nef_polyhedronTraits_3> class Nef_polyhedronMarks = bool>
class CGAL::Nef_polyhedron_3< Nef_polyhedronTraits_3, Nef_polyhedronItems_3 >::SFace

An sface is described by its boundaries.

Figures figureNef3HalfedgeIncidences and figureNef3HalfloopIncidences illustrate the incidences of an sface. An entry item to each boundary cycle can be accessed using the iterator range [sface_cycles_begin(), sface_cycles_end()). Additionally, Nef_polyhedron_S2 provides the macro CGAL_forall_sface_cylces_of. The iterators are of type SFace_cycle_const_iterator and represent either a shalfedge, a shalfloop, or a svertex.


There is no need for a user to create a SFace explicitly. The class Nef_polyhedron_3<Traits> manages the needed sfaces internally.

See also


The following types are the same as in Nef_polyhedron_3<Traits>.

typedef unspecified_type Mark
 type of mark.
typedef unspecified_type Object_list
 list of Object handles.
typedef unspecified_type Vertex_const_handle
 const handle to Vertex.
typedef unspecified_type Volume_const_handle
 const handle to Volume.
typedef unspecified_type SFace_const_handle
 const handle to SFace.
typedef unspecified_type SFace_cycle_const_iterator
 const iterator over the entries to all sface cycles of a sface.


const Markmark () const
 the mark of sf .
Vertex_const_handle center_vertex () const
 the center vertex of the sphere map sf belongs to.
Volume_const_handle volume () const
 the volume that corresponds to sf in the 3D incidence structure.
SFace_cycle_const_iterator sface_cycle_begin () const
 iterator over the entries to all sface cycles of sf .
SFace_cycle_const_iterator sface_cycle_end () const
 past-the-end iterator.