CGAL 5.5.5 - CGAL and Boost Property Maps
CGAL::Constant_property_map< KeyType, ValueType > Struct Template Reference

#include <CGAL/property_map.h>


Property map that returns a fixed value.

Note that this value is chosen when the map is constructed and cannot be changed afterwards. Specifically, the free function put() does nothing.

Is Model Of:

Public Types

typedef KeyType key_type
typedef ValueType value_type
typedef boost::read_write_property_map_tag category

Public Member Functions

 Constant_property_map (const value_type &default_value=value_type())

Public Attributes

const typedef value_typereference
ValueType default_value


reference get (const Constant_property_map &pm, const key_type &)
 Free function that returns pm.default_value.
void put (const Constant_property_map &, const key_type &, const value_type &)
 Free function that does nothing.