CGAL 5.6 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
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FaceListGraph Concept Reference


The concept FaceListGraph refines the concept FaceGraph and adds the requirement for traversal of all faces in a graph.

Associated Types

A face iterator (obtained via faces(g)) provides access to all of the faces in a graph. A face iterator type must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. The value type of the face iterator must be the same as the face descriptor of the graph.

Has Models:
See Boost Graph Traits Specializations
See also
Graph Concepts

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename FaceListGraph >
std::pair< boost::graph_traits< FaceListGraph >::face_iterator, boost::graph_traits< FaceListGraph >::face_iterator > faces (const FaceListGraph &g)
 returns an iterator range over all faces.
template<typename FaceListGraph >
boost::graph_traits< FaceListGraph >::face_size_type num_faces (const FaceListGraph &g)
 returns an upper bound of the number of faces of the graph.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ num_faces()

template<typename FaceListGraph >
boost::graph_traits< FaceListGraph >::face_size_type num_faces ( const FaceListGraph g)

returns an upper bound of the number of faces of the graph.

num_faces() may return a number larger than std::distance(faces(g).first, faces(g).second). This is the case for implementations only marking faces deleted in the face container.