CGAL 5.6.2 - Number Types
CGAL::Gmpq Class Reference

#include <CGAL/Gmpq.h>


An object of the class Gmpq is an arbitrary precision rational number based on the GMP library.

Is Model Of:





Gmpqs are reference counted.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Gmpq &q)
 writes q to the ostream out, in the form n/d.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Gmpq &q)
 reads a number from in, then converts it to a Gmpq. More...


 Gmpq ()
 creates an uninitialized Gmpq q.
 Gmpq (int i)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with i.
 Gmpq (Gmpz n)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with n.
 Gmpq (Gmpfr f)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with f.
 Gmpq (int n, int d)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with n/d.
 Gmpq (signed long n, unsigned long d)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with n/d.
 Gmpq (unsigned long n, unsigned long d)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with n/d.
 Gmpq (Gmpz n, Gmpz d)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with n/d.
 Gmpq (double d)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with d.
 Gmpq (const std::string &str)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with str, which can be an integer like "41" or a fraction like "41/152". More...
 Gmpq (const std::string &str, int base)
 creates a Gmpq initialized with str in base base, which is an integer between 2 and 62. More...


There are two access functions, namely to the numerator and the denominator of a rational.

Note that these values are not uniquely defined. It is guaranteed that q.numerator() and q.denominator() return values nt_num and nt_den such that q = nt_num/nt_den, only if q.numerator() and q.denominator() are called consecutively wrt. q, i.e. q is not involved in any other operation between these calls.

Gmpz numerator () const
 returns the numerator of q.
Gmpz denominator () const
 returns the denominator of q.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Gmpq() [1/2]

CGAL::Gmpq::Gmpq ( const std::string &  str)

creates a Gmpq initialized with str, which can be an integer like "41" or a fraction like "41/152".

White space is allowed in the string, and ignored.

◆ Gmpq() [2/2]

CGAL::Gmpq::Gmpq ( const std::string &  str,
int  base 

creates a Gmpq initialized with str in base base, which is an integer between 2 and 62.

White space in the string is ignored.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Gmpq q 

reads a number from in, then converts it to a Gmpq.

The number may be an integer, a rational number in the form n/d, or a floating-point number.