CGAL 5.6.2 - Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
CGAL::Surface_mesh_simplification Namespace Reference


class  Bounded_distance_placement
class  Bounded_normal_change_filter
 The class Bounded_normal_change_filter is a model for the PlacementFilter concept. More...
class  Bounded_normal_change_placement
class  Constrained_placement
 The class Constrained_placement is a model for the concept GetPlacement. More...
class  Count_ratio_stop_predicate
class  Count_stop_predicate
struct  Edge_collapse_visitor_base
 The class Surface_mesh_simplification::Edge_collapse_visitor_base provides a base class for models of the EdgeCollapseSimplificationVisitor concept. More...
class  Edge_count_ratio_stop_predicate
class  Edge_count_stop_predicate
class  Edge_length_cost
 The class Edge_length_cost is a model for the GetCost concept, which computes the collapse cost as the squared length of the edge. More...
class  Edge_length_stop_predicate
 The class Edge_length_stop_predicate is a model for the StopPredicate concept, which returns true when the top edge in the priority queue is larger than a certain threshold. More...
class  Edge_profile
 The class Edge_profile regroups useful information about an edge, such as its incident vertices and faces. More...
class  Face_count_ratio_stop_predicate
class  Face_count_stop_predicate
class  GarlandHeckbert_plane_policies
 The class GarlandHeckbert_plane_policies regroups the cost and placement policies based on the Garland-Heckbert "Classic Plane" strategy (Section Garland-Heckbert Cost and Placement Strategy). More...
class  GarlandHeckbert_policies
class  GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_plane_policies
 The class GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_plane_policies regroups the cost and placement policies based on the "Probabilistic Plane" strategy of Trettner and Kobbelt [7]. More...
class  GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_triangle_policies
 The class GarlandHeckbert_probabilistic_triangle_policies regroups the cost and placement policies based on the "Probabilistic Triangle" strategy of Trettner and Kobbelt [7]. More...
class  GarlandHeckbert_triangle_policies
 The class GarlandHeckbert_triangle_policies regroups the cost and placement policies using the triangle-based Garland-Heckbert strategy (Section Garland-Heckbert Cost and Placement Strategy). More...
class  LindstromTurk_cost
 The class LindstromTurk_cost provides a model for the GetCost concept. More...
class  LindstromTurk_placement
 The class LindstromTurk_placement provides a model for the GetPlacement concept. More...
class  Midpoint_placement
 The class Midpoint_placement is a model for the GetPlacement concept which computes the placement as the midpoint position along the edge. More...
class  Polyhedral_envelope_filter
 The class Polyhedral_envelope_filter is a model for the PlacementFilter concept. More...


template<class TriangleMesh , class StopPolicy , class NamedParameters = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
int edge_collapse (TriangleMesh &tmesh, const StopPolicy &should_stop, const NamedParameters &np=parameters::default_values())
 Simplifies tmesh in-place by collapsing edges, and returns the number of edges effectively removed. More...