CGAL 5.6.2 - Tetrahedral Remeshing
CGAL::Tetrahedral_remeshing::Remeshing_cell_base_3< Subdomain_index, Surface_patch_index > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Tetrahedral_remeshing/Remeshing_cell_base_3.h>


template<typename Subdomain_index = int, typename Surface_patch_index = int>
class CGAL::Tetrahedral_remeshing::Remeshing_cell_base_3< Subdomain_index, Surface_patch_index >

The class Remeshing_cell_base_3 is a model of the concept SimplicialMeshCellBase_3.

It is designed to serve as cell base class for the 3D triangulation used in the tetrahedral remeshing process.

Template Parameters
Subdomain_indexType of indices for subdomains of the discretized geometric domain. Must be a model of CopyConstructible, Assignable, DefaultConstructible and EqualityComparable. The default constructed value must match the label of the exterior of the domain (which contains at least the unbounded component). It must match the Subdomain_index of the model of the MeshDomain_3 concept when used for mesh generation.
Surface_patch_indexType of indices for surface patches (boundaries and interfaces) of the discretized geometric domain. Must be a model of CopyConstructible, Assignable, DefaultConstructible and EqualityComparable. The default constructed value must be the index value assigned to a non surface facet. It must match the Surface_patch_index of the model of the MeshDomain_3 concept when used for mesh generation.
Is Model Of:

