CGAL 6.0.1 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
No Matches

Generic convenience functions for testing if an edge is a border edge, if a mesh is triangular, for conversion between models of different FaceGraph concepts, etc.

All functions are in the header file <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>


template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_border (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if the halfedge hd is on a border.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_border_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if the halfedge hd or the opposite halfedge is on a border.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_border (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::edge_descriptor ed, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if the edge e is on a border.
template<typename FaceGraph >
std::optional< typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor > CGAL::is_border (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::vertex_descriptor vd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns a halfedge which is on a border and whose target vertex is vd, if such a halfedge exists.
template<typename Graph >
bool CGAL::is_valid_halfedge_graph (const Graph &g, bool verb=false)
 checks the integrity of the graph g.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_valid_face_graph (const FaceGraph &g, bool verb=false)
 checks the integrity of the graph g.
template<typename Mesh >
bool CGAL::is_valid_polygon_mesh (const Mesh &g, bool verb=false)
 checks the integrity of the mesh g.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_closed (const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if there are no border edges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_bivalent (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if the target of hd has exactly two incident edges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_bivalent_mesh (const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if all vertices have exactly two incident edges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_trivalent (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if the target of hd has exactly three incident edges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_trivalent_mesh (const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if all vertices have exactly three incident edges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_isolated_triangle (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the connected component denoted by hd is a triangle.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_triangle (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the face denoted by hd is a triangle, that is it has three incident halfedges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_triangle_mesh (const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if all faces are triangles.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_isolated_quad (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the connected component denoted by hd is a quadrilateral.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_quad (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the face denoted by hd is a quad, that is it has four incident halfedges.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_quad_mesh (const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true if all faces are quadrilaterals.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_tetrahedron (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the connected component denoted by hd is a tetrahedron.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_hexahedron (typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor hd, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns true iff the connected component denoted by hd is a hexahedron.
template<typename FaceGraph >
void CGAL::remove_all_elements (FaceGraph &g)
 removes all vertices, faces and halfedges from a graph.
template<typename FaceGraph >
void CGAL::clear (FaceGraph &g)
 removes all vertices, faces and halfedges from a graph.
template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_empty (const FaceGraph &g)
 checks whether the graph is empty, by checking that it does not contain any vertex.
template<typename Graph >
int CGAL::vertex_index_in_face (const typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor vd, const typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::face_descriptor fd, const Graph &g)
 returns the number of calls to next() one has to apply to the halfedge hd for source(hd, mesh) == vd to be true, starting from hd = halfedge(fd, tm).
template<typename Graph >
int CGAL::halfedge_index_in_face (typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::halfedge_descriptor he, const Graph &g)
 returns the number of calls to next(hd, tm) one has to apply to hd for hd == he to be true, starting from hd = halfedge(face(he, tm), tm).
template<typename SourceMesh , typename TargetMesh , typename NamedParameters1 = parameters::Default_named_parameters, typename NamedParameters2 = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
void CGAL::copy_face_graph (const SourceMesh &sm, TargetMesh &tm, const NamedParameters1 &np1=parameters::default_values(), const NamedParameters2 &np2=parameters::default_values())
 copies a source model of FaceListGraph into a target model of a FaceListGraph.

Function Documentation

◆ clear()

template<typename FaceGraph >
void CGAL::clear ( FaceGraph g)

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

removes all vertices, faces and halfedges from a graph.

Calls remove_vertex(), remove_edge(), and remove_face(), for each vertex, edge, and face.

If the graph has a member function clear(), it will be called instead.

If it exists, the clear() function of a graph might do more than simply remove elements. For example, CGAL::Surface_mesh::clear() collects garbage and removes all property maps added by a call to CGAL::Surface_mesh::add_property_map() for all simplex types.
Template Parameters
FaceGraphmodel of MutableHalfedgeGraph and MutableFaceGraph
gthe graph to clear
See also

◆ copy_face_graph()

template<typename SourceMesh , typename TargetMesh , typename NamedParameters1 = parameters::Default_named_parameters, typename NamedParameters2 = parameters::Default_named_parameters>
void CGAL::copy_face_graph ( const SourceMesh &  sm,
TargetMesh &  tm,
const NamedParameters1 &  np1 = parameters::default_values(),
const NamedParameters2 &  np2 = parameters::default_values() 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/copy_face_graph.h>

copies a source model of FaceListGraph into a target model of a FaceListGraph.

OutputIterators can be provided to produce a mapping between source and target elements. The target graph is not cleared.

Template Parameters
SourceMesha model of FaceListGraph. The descriptor types boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::vertex_descriptor and boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::face_descriptor must be models of Hashable.
TargetMesha model of FaceListGraph
NamedParameters1a sequence of Named Parameters
NamedParameters2a sequence of Named Parameters

The types sm_vertex_descriptor and sm_face_descriptor must be models of the concept Hashable.

smthe source mesh
tmthe target mesh
np1an optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating points to the vertices of sm
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and Point_3 as value type
  • Default: boost::get(CGAL::vertex_point, sm)
  • Extra: If this parameter is omitted, an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t must be available in SourceMesh.

  • an OutputIterator containing the pairs source-vertex, target-vertex.
  • Type: a class model of OutputIterator accepting std::pair<boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::vertex_descriptor, boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::vertex_descriptor>
  • Default: Emptyset_iterator
  • Extra: If this parameter is given, then vertex_to_vertex_map cannot be used.

  • an OutputIterator containing the pairs source-halfedge, target-halfedge.
  • Type: a class model of OutputIterator accepting std::pair<boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::halfedge_descriptor, boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::halfedge_descriptor>
  • Default: Emptyset_iterator
  • Extra: If this parameter is given, then halfedge_to_halfedge_map cannot be used.

  • an OutputIterator containing the pairs source-face, target-face.
  • Type: a class model of OutputIterator accepting std::pair<boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::face_descriptor, boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::face_descriptor>
  • Default: Emptyset_iterator
  • Extra: If this parameter is given, then face_to_face_map cannot be used.

  • a property map storing for each vertex of a source mesh the corresponding vertex of another mesh
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::vertex_descriptor as value type.
  • Default: unused
  • Extra: A typical use case is mapping the vertices from a source mesh to its copy's after a copy_face_graph() operation.

  • a property map storing for each halfedge of a source mesh the corresponding halfedge of another mesh
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::halfedge_descriptor as key type and boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::halfedge_descriptor as value type
  • Default: unused
  • Extra: A typical use case is mapping the halfedges from a source mesh to its copy's after a copy_face_graph()operation.

  • a property map storing for each face of a source mesh the corresponding face of another mesh
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<SourceMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::face_descriptor as value type
  • Default: unused
  • Extra: A typical use case is mapping the faces from a source mesh to its copy's after a copy_face_graph() operation
np2an optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating points to the vertices of tm
  • Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<TargetMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and Point_3 as value type
  • Default: boost::get(CGAL::vertex_point, tm)
  • Extra: If this parameter is omitted, an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t must be available in TargetMesh.

The points from sm to tm are converted using CGAL::Cartesian_converter<SourceKernel, TargetKernel>. SourceKernel and TargetKernel are deduced using CGAL::Kernel_traits from the value types of the vertex point maps.

Other properties are not copied.

BGL_polyhedron_3/copy_polyhedron.cpp, BGL_surface_mesh/surface_mesh_partition.cpp, and Surface_mesh_segmentation/extract_segmentation_into_mesh_example.cpp.

◆ halfedge_index_in_face()

template<typename Graph >
int CGAL::halfedge_index_in_face ( typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::halfedge_descriptor  he,
const Graph &  g 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

returns the number of calls to next(hd, tm) one has to apply to hd for hd == he to be true, starting from hd = halfedge(face(he, tm), tm).

Template Parameters
Grapha model of FaceGraph.
hea halfedge of g whose index in face(he, tm) is sought
gan object of type Graph

◆ is_empty()

template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_empty ( const FaceGraph g)

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

checks whether the graph is empty, by checking that it does not contain any vertex.

Template Parameters
FaceGraphmodel of FaceGraph
gthe graph to test

◆ is_isolated_triangle()

template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_isolated_triangle ( typename boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor  hd,
const FaceGraph g 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

returns true iff the connected component denoted by hd is a triangle.

g must be valid.

◆ is_valid_face_graph()

template<typename FaceGraph >
bool CGAL::is_valid_face_graph ( const FaceGraph g,
bool  verb = false 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

checks the integrity of the graph g.

The graph g is a valid face graph if it is a valid halfedge graph, and if it follows the rules of the FaceListGraph concept and all of its associations are reciprocal (for example, face(halfedge(f,g),g) must be f).

gthe graph to test
verbif true, the details of the check will be written in the standard output
Template Parameters
FaceGrapha model of FaceListGraph and HalfedgeListGraph
true if g is valid, false otherwise.
See also

◆ is_valid_halfedge_graph()

template<typename Graph >
bool CGAL::is_valid_halfedge_graph ( const Graph &  g,
bool  verb = false 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

checks the integrity of the graph g.

The graph g is valid if it follows the rules of the HalfedgeListGraph concept and all of its associations are reciprocal (for example, prev(next(h, g), g) must be h, and next(prev(h, g), g) must be h).

gthe graph to test
verbif true, the details of the check will be written in the standard output.
Template Parameters
Grapha model of HalfedgeListGraph
true if g is valid, false otherwise.

◆ is_valid_polygon_mesh()

template<typename Mesh >
bool CGAL::is_valid_polygon_mesh ( const Mesh &  g,
bool  verb = false 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

checks the integrity of the mesh g.

The mesh g is a valid polygon mesh if it is a valid face graph and if it follows the rules defined in PolygonMesh.

gthe Mesh to test
verbif true, the details of the check will be written in the standard output
Template Parameters
Mesha model of FaceListGraph and HalfedgeListGraph
true if g is valid, false otherwise.
See also

◆ remove_all_elements()

template<typename FaceGraph >
void CGAL::remove_all_elements ( FaceGraph g)

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

removes all vertices, faces and halfedges from a graph.

Calls remove_vertex(), remove_edge(), and remove_face(), for each vertex, edge, and face.

Note that some graphs have a specialized version of this function to improve complexity.

This function does not perform anything more than what is advertised above. It is up to the user to e.g. clean garbage or remove internal property maps (if relevant, and desired).
Template Parameters
FaceGraphmodel of MutableHalfedgeGraph and MutableFaceGraph
gthe graph whose elements will be removed
See also

◆ vertex_index_in_face()

template<typename Graph >
int CGAL::vertex_index_in_face ( const typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor  vd,
const typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::face_descriptor  fd,
const Graph &  g 

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>

returns the number of calls to next() one has to apply to the halfedge hd for source(hd, mesh) == vd to be true, starting from hd = halfedge(fd, tm).

Template Parameters
Grapha model of FaceGraph
vda vertex of g whose index is sought
fda face of g in which the index of vd is sought
ga mesh of type Graph
vd is a vertex of fd.