virtual bool
sn.is_edge_node ()
returns false;
sn.curve_node ()
returns an iterator to the
Curve_node that is the root of the hierarchy tree sn
is in.
sn.parent ()
returns an iterator to the node that
is the parent of sn in the hierarchy tree.
Note that the return value is
always a Subcurve_iterator even if the actual type is a
Curve_node; in order to get the Curve_node which is the
root of the tree use the member function curve_node().
sn.children_begin ()
| |
returns a begin iterator to the
children of sn in the hierarchy tree.
sn.children_end ()
returns a past-the-end iterator
of the children of sn in the hierarchy tree.
sn.edges_begin ()
returns a begin iterator to the
edges in the subtree ``hanging'' from sn, i.e., the subtree that
sn is a root of.
Precondition: sn has a non-empty edge level.
sn.edges_end ()
returns a past-the-end iterator to the
edges in the subtree ``hanging'' from sn.
Precondition: sn has a non-empty edge level.