CGAL provides the class CGAL::Segment_Voronoi_diagram_2<Gt,DS> for computing the 2D Voronoi diagram of segments and points. The two template parameters must be models of the SegmentVoronoiDiagramTraits_2 and SegmentVoronoiDiagramDataStructure_2 concepts. The first concept is related to the geometric objects and predicates associated with segment Voronoi diagrams, whereas the second concept refers to the data structure used to represent the dual of the segment Voronoi diagram. The classes Segment_Voronoi_diagram_traits_2<K,MTag>, Segment_Voronoi_diagram_traits_without_intersections_2<K,MTag> Segment_Voronoi_diagram_filtered_traits_2<K,MTag> Segment_Voronoi_diagram_filtered_traits_without_intersections_2<K,MTag> are models of the SegmentVoronoiDiagramTraits_2 concept, whereas the class Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vb,Fb> is a model of the SegmentVoronoiDiagramDataStructure_2 concept.