

A doubly-connected edge-list (Dcel for short) data-structure. It consists of three containers of records: vertices V, halfedges E, and faces F. It maintains the incidence relation among them. The halfedges are ordered in pairs sometimes referred to as twins, such that each halfedge pair represent an edge.

A model of the GeneralPolygonSetDcel concept must provide the following types and operations. (In addition to the requirements here, the local types Vertex,Halfedge, Face Hole and Isolated_vertex must be models of the concepts ArrangementDcelVertex, ArrangementDcelHalfedge, GeneralPolygonSetDcelFace , ArrangementDcelHole, and ArrangementDcelIsolatedVertex respectively.) Notice that this concept differs from the concept ArrangemenDcel only in the type Face.


the vertex type.

the halfedge type.

the face type.

the hole type.

the isolated vertex type.

used to represent size values (e.g., size_t).

a bidirectional iterator over the vertices. Its value-type is Vertex.

a bidirectional iterator over the halfedges. Its value-type is Halfedge.

a bidirectional iterator over the faces. Its value-type is Face.

The non-mutable iterators Vertex_const_iterator, Halfedge_const_iterator and Face_const_iterator are also defined.


GeneralPolygonSetDcel dcel;
constructs an empty Dcel with one unbounded face.

Face* dcel.assign ( Self other, const Face *uf)
assigns the contents of the other Dcel whose unbounded face is given by uf, to dcel. The function returns a pointer to the unbounded face of dcel after the assignment.

Access Functions

Size dcel.size_of_vertices () const returns the number of vertices.
Size dcel.size_of_halfedges () const returns the number of halfedges (always even).
Size dcel.size_of_faces () const returns the number of faces.
Size dcel.size_of_holes () const returns the number of holes (the number of connected components).
Size dcel.size_of_isolated_vertices () const
returns the number of isolated vertices.

The following operations have an equivalent const operations that return the corresponding non-mutable iterators:

Vertex_iterator dcel.vertices_begin () returns a begin-iterator of the vertices in dcel.
Vertex_iterator dcel.vertices_end () returns a past-the-end iterator of the vertices in dcel.

Halfedge_iterator dcel.halfedges_begin () returns a begin-iterator of the halfedges in dcel.
Halfedge_iterator dcel.halfedges_end () returns a past-the-end iterator of the halfedges in dcel.

Vertex_iterator dcel.faces_begin () returns a begin-iterator of the faces in dcel.
Vertex_iterator dcel.faces_end () returns a past-the-end iterator of the faces in dcel.


The following operations allocate a new element of the respective type. Halfedges are always allocated in pairs of opposite halfedges. The halfedges and their opposite pointers are automatically set.

Vertex* dcel.new_vertex () creates a new vertex.
Halfedge* dcel.new_edge () creates a new pair of twin halfedges.
Face* dcel.new_face () creates a new face.
Hole* dcel.new_hole () creates a new hole record.
Isolated_vertex* dcel.new_isolated_vertex () creates a new isolated vertex record.

void dcel.delete_vertex ( Vertex* v) deletes the vertex v.
void dcel.delete_edge ( Halfedge* e) deletes the halfedge e as well as its twin.
void dcel.delete_face ( Face* f) deletes the face f.
void dcel.delete_hole ( Hole* ho) deletes the hole ho.
void dcel.delete_isolated_vertex ( Isolated_vertex* iv)
deletes the isolated vertex iv.

Has Models


See Also
