

An object of class Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> is an approximation to the ellipsoid of smallest volume enclosing a finite multiset of points in d-dimensional Euclidean space  d, d 2.

An ellipsoid in d is a Cartesian pointset of the form { x d | xT E x + xT e + η 0 }, where E is some positive definite matrix from the set d × d, e is some real d-vector, and η . A pointset P d is called full-dimensional if its affine hull has dimension d. For a finite, full-dimensional pointset P we denote by (P) the smallest ellipsoid that contains all points of P; this ellipsoid exists and is unique.

For a given finite and full-dimensional pointset P d and a real number ε 0, we say that an ellipsoid E d is an (1+ε)-appoximation to (P) if P E and (E) (1+ε) ((P)). In other words, an (1+ε)-approximation to (P) is an enclosing ellipsoid whose volume is by at most a factor of 1+ε larger than the volume of the smallest enclosing ellipsoid of P.

Given this notation, an object of class Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> represents an (1+ε)-approximation to (P) for a given finite and full-dimensional multiset of points P d and a real constant ε>0.1 When an Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> object is constructed, an iterator over the points P and the number ε have to be specified; the number ε defines the desired approximation ratio 1+ε. The underlying algorithm will then try to compute an (1+ε)-approximation to (P), and one of the following two cases takes place.

The ellipsoid E computed by the algorithm satisfies the inclusions


E (P) E
where f E denotes the ellipsoid E scaled by the factor f + with respect to its center, and where (A) denotes the convex hull of a pointset A d.

The underlying algorithm can cope with all kinds of inputs (multisets P, ε [0,∞)) and terminates in all cases. There is, however, no guarantee that any desired approximation ratio is actually achieved; the performance of the algorithm in this respect highly depends on the input pointset. Values of at least 0.01 for ε are usually handled without problems.

Internally, the algorithm represents the input points' Cartesian coordinates as double's. For this conversion to work, the input point coordinates must be convertible to double. Also, in order to compute the achieved epsilon ε' mentioned above, the algorithm requires a number type ET that provides exact arithmetic. (Both these aspects are discussed in the documentation of the concept ApproximateMinEllipsoid_d_Traits_d.)

#include <CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d.h>


The template parameter Traits is a model for ApproximateMinEllipsoid_d_Traits_d.

We provide the model CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d<K> using the d-dimensional Cgal kernel; the models CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_2<K> and CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_3<K> are for use with the 2- and 3-dimensional Cgal kernel, respectively.


typedef Traits::FT FT (which is always a typedef to double).

typedef Traits::ET ET (which is an exact number type used for exact computation like for example in achieved_epsilon()).

typedef Traits::Point Point

typedef Traits::Cartesian_const_iterator Cartesian_const_iterator

A model of STL concept RandomAccessIterator with value type double that is used to iterate over the Cartesian center coordinates of the computed ellipsoid, see center_cartesian_begin().

A model of STL concept RandomAccessIterator with value type double that is used to iterate over the lengths of the semiaxes of the computed ellipsoid, see axes_lengths_begin().

A model of STL concept RandomAccessIterator with value type double that is used to iterate over the Cartesian coordinates of the direction of a fixed axis of the computed ellipsoid, see axis_direction_cartesian_begin().


An object of type Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> can be created from an arbitrary point set P and some nonnegative double value eps.

template < class Iterator >
Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> ame ( double eps, Iterator first, Iterator last, Traits traits = Traits());
initializes ame to an (1+ε)-approximation of (P) with P being the set of points in the range [first,last). The number ε in this will be at most eps, if possible. However, due to the limited precision in the algorithm's underlying arithmetic, it can happen that the computed approximation ellipsoid has a worse approximation ratio (and ε can thus be larger than eps in general). In any case, the number ε (and with this, the achived approximation 1+ε) can be queried by calling the routine achieved_epsilon() discussed below.
Requirement: Iterator must be a model for concept InputIterator with value type Point.
Precondition: The dimension d of the input points must be at least 2, and ε>0.

Access Functions

The following methods can be used to query the achieved approximation ratio 1+ε' and the computed ellipsoid E = { x d | xT E x + xT e + η 0 }. The methods defining_matrix(), defining_vector(), and defining_scalar() do not return E, e, and η directly but yield multiples of these quantities that are exactly representable using the double type. (This is necessary because the parameters E, e, and η of the computed approximation ellipsoid E might not be exactly representable as double numbers.)

unsigned int ame.number_of_points () const returns the number of points of ame, i.e., |P|.

double ame.achieved_epsilon () const returns a number ε' such that the computed approximation is (under exact arithmetic) guaranteed to be an (1+ε')-approximation to (P).
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
Postcondition: ε'>0.

double ame.defining_matrix ( int i, int j) const
gives access to the (i,j)th entry of the matrix E in the representation { x d | xT E x + xT e + η 0 } of the computed approximation ellipsoid E. The number returned by this routine is (1+ε')(d+1) Eij, where ε' is the number returned by achieved_epsilon().
Precondition: 0 i,j d, where d is the dimension of the points P, and ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
double ame.defining_vector ( int i) const
gives access to the ith entry of the vector e in the representation { x d | xT E x + xT e + η 0 } of the computed approximation ellipsoid E. The number returned by this routine is (1+ε')(d+1) ei, where ε' is the number returned by achieved_epsilon().
Precondition: 0 i d, where d is the dimension of the points P, and ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
double ame.defining_scalar () const gives access to the scalar η from the representation { x d | xT E x + xT e + η 0 } of the computed approximation ellipsoid E. The number returned by this routine is (1+ε')(d+1) (η+1), where ε' is the number returned by achieved_epsilon().
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
Traits ame.traits () const returns a const reference to the traits class object.
int ame.dimension () const returns the dimension of the ambient space, i.e., the dimension of the points P.

In order to access the center and semiaxes of the computed approximation ellipsoid, the functions center_cartesian_begin(), axes_lengths_begin(), and axis_direction_cartesian_begin() can be used. In constrast to the above access functions achieved_epsilon(), defining_matrix(), defining_vector(), and defining_scalar(), which return the described quantities exactly, the routines below return numerical approximations to the real center and real semiaxes of the computed ellipsoid; the comprised relative error may be larger than zero, and there are no guarantees for the returned quantities.

Center_coordinate_iterator ame.center_cartesian_begin () returns an iterator pointing to the first of the d Cartesian coordinates of the computed ellipsoid's center.
The returned point is a floating-point approximation to the ellipsoid's exact center; no guarantee is given w.r.t. the involved relative error.
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
Center_coordinate_iterator ame.center_cartesian_end () returns the past-the-end iterator corresponding to center_cartesian_begin().
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.
Axes_lengths_iterator ame.axes_lengths_begin () returns an iterator pointing to the first of the d descendantly sorted lengths of the computed ellipsoid's axes. The d returned numbers are floating-point approximations to the exact axes-lengths of the computed ellipsoid; no guarantee is given w.r.t. the involved relative error. (See also method axes_direction_cartesian_begin().)
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true, and d {2,3}.
Axes_lengths_iterator ame.axes_lengths_end () returns the past-the-end iterator corresponding to axes_lengths_begin().
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true, and d {2,3}.
ame.axis_direction_cartesian_begin ( int i)
returns an iterator pointing to the first of the d Cartesian coordinates of the computed ellipsoid's ith axis direction (i.e., unit vector in direction of the ellipsoid's ith axis). The direction described by this iterator is a floating-point approximation to the exact axis direction of the computed ellipsoid; no guarantee is given w.r.t. the involved relative error. An approximation to the length of axis i is given by the ith entry of axes_lengths_begin().
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true, and d {2,3}, and 0 i < d.
ame.axis_direction_cartesian_end ( int i)
returns the past-the-end iterator corresponding to axis_direction_cartesian_begin().
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true, and d {2,3}, and 0 i < d.


bool ame.is_full_dimensional () const returns whether P is full-dimensional or not, i.e., returns true if and only if P is full-dimensional.
Note: due to the limited precision in the algorithm's underlying arithmetic, the result of this method is not always correct. Rather, a return value of false means that the points P are contained in a ``very thin'' linear subspace of d, and as a consequence, the algorithm cannot compute an approximation. More precisely, a return value of false means that the points P are contained between two parallel hyperplanes in d that are very close to each other (possibly at distance zero) - so close, that the algorithm could not compute an approximation ellipsoid. Similarly, a return value of true does not guarantee P to be full-dimensional; but there exists an input pointset P' such that the points P' and P have almost identical coordinates and P' is full-dimensional.

Validity Check

An object ame is valid iff

bool ame.is_valid ( bool verbose = false) const
returns true iff ame is valid according to the above definition. If verbose is true, some messages concerning the performed checks are written to the standard error stream.


void ame.write_eps ( const std::string& name) const
Writes the points P and the computed approximation to (P) as an EPS-file under pathname name.
Precondition: The dimension of points P must be 2.
Note: this routine is provided as a debugging routine; future version of Cgal might not provide it anymore.
Precondition: ame.is_full_dimensional() == true.

See Also



We implement Khachyian's algorithm for rounding polytopes [Kha96]. Internally, we use double-arithmetic and (initially a single) Cholesky-decomposition. The algorithm's running time is O(nd2-1+ln d + ln ln (n))), where n=|P| and 1+ε is the desired approximation ratio.


To illustrate the usage of Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits> we give two examples in 2D. The first program generates a random set P 2 and outputs the points and a 1.01-approximation of (P) as an EPS-file, which you can view using gv, for instance. (In both examples you can change the variables n and d to experiment with the code.)

File: examples/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d/ellipsoid.cpp
#include <CGAL/Cartesian_d.h>
#include <CGAL/MP_Float.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_d.h>
#include <CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d.h>
#include <CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d.h>

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

typedef CGAL::Cartesian_d<double>                              Kernel;
typedef CGAL::MP_Float                                         ET;
typedef CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d<Kernel, ET> Traits;
typedef Traits::Point                                          Point;
typedef std::vector<Point>                                     Point_list;
typedef CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits>              AME;

int main()
  const int      n = 1000;                // number of points
  const int      d = 2;                   // dimension
  const double eps = 0.01;                // approximation ratio is (1+eps)

  // create a set of random points:
  Point_list P;
  CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> rpg(d,100.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

  // compute approximation:
  Traits traits;
  AME ame(eps, P.begin(), P.end(), traits);

  // write EPS file:
  if (ame.is_full_dimensional() && d == 2)

  // output center coordinates:
  std::cout << "Cartesian center coordinates: ";
  for (AME::Center_coordinate_iterator c_it = ame.center_cartesian_begin();
       c_it != ame.center_cartesian_end();
    std::cout << *c_it << ' ';
  std::cout << ".\n";

  if (d == 2 || d == 3) {
    // output  axes:
    AME::Axes_lengths_iterator axes = ame.axes_lengths_begin();
    for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
      std::cout << "Semiaxis " << i << " has length " << *axes++  << "\n"
                << "and Cartesian coordinates ";
      for (AME::Axes_direction_coordinate_iterator
             d_it = ame.axis_direction_cartesian_begin(i);
           d_it != ame.axis_direction_cartesian_end(i); ++d_it)
        std::cout << *d_it << ' ';
      std::cout << ".\n";

The second program outputs the approximation in a format suitable for display in Maplesoft's Maple.

File: examples/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d/ellipsoid_for_maple.cpp
#include <CGAL/Cartesian_d.h>
#include <CGAL/MP_Float.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_d.h>
#include <CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d.h>
#include <CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d.h>

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

typedef CGAL::Cartesian_d<double>                              Kernel;
typedef CGAL::MP_Float                                         ET;
typedef CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_traits_d<Kernel, ET> Traits;
typedef Traits::Point                                          Point;
typedef std::vector<Point>                                     Point_list;
typedef CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d<Traits>              AME;

int main()
  const int      n = 100;                 // number of points
  const int      d = 2;                   // dimension
  const double eps = 0.01;                // approximation ratio is (1+eps)

  // create a set of random points:
  Point_list P;
  CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> rpg(d,1.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

  // compute approximation:
  Traits traits;
  AME mel(eps, P.begin(), P.end(), traits);

  // output for Maple:
  if (mel.is_full_dimensional() && d == 2) {

    const double alpha = (1+mel.achieved_epsilon())*(d+1);

    // output points:
    using std::cout;
    cout << "restart;\n"
         << "with(LinearAlgebra):\n"
         << "with(plottools):\n"
         << "n:= " << n << ":\n"
         << "P:= Matrix(" << d << "," << n << "):\n";

    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
      for (int j=0; j<d; ++j)
        cout << "P[" << j+1 << "," << i+1 << "] := "
             << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific)
             << std::setprecision(20) << P[i][j] << ":\n";
    cout << "\n";

    // output defining equation:
    cout << "Mp:= Matrix([\n";
    for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) {
      cout << "  [";
      for (int j=0; j<d; ++j) {
        cout << mel.defining_matrix(i,j)/alpha;
        if (j<d-1)
          cout << ",";
      cout << "]";
      if (i<d-1)
        cout << ",";
      cout << "\n";
    cout << "]);\n" << "mp:= Vector([";
    for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) {
      cout << mel.defining_vector(i)/alpha;
      if (i<d-1)
        cout << ",";
    cout << "]);\n"
         << "eta:= " << (mel.defining_scalar()/alpha-1.0) << ";\n"
         << "v:= Vector([x,y]):\n"
         << "e:= Transpose(v).Mp.v+Transpose(v).mp+eta;\n"
         << "plots[display]({seq(point([P[1,i],P[2,i]]),i=1..n),\n"
         << " plots[implicitplot](e,x=-5..5,y=-5..5,numpoints=10000)},\n"
         << " scaling=CONSTRAINED);\n";


 1  A multiset is a set where elements may have multiplicity greater than 1.