

tree_point_traits is a template class that provides an interface to data items.

#include <CGAL/Tree_traits.h>


tree_point_traits<Data, Window, Key, Data_func, Window_left_func, Window_right_func, Compare> Point_traits;

the container Data - defines the Data type. It may consist of several data slots. One of these data slots has to be of type Key.

the container Window - defines the type of the query rectangle. It may consist of several data slots. Two of these data slots has to be of type Key

the type Key of the data slot this traits class provides access to.

Data_func is a function object providing an operator() that takes an argument of type Data and returns a component of type Key.

Window_left_func is a function objects that allow to access the left data slot of container Window which has type Key

Window_right_func is a function objects that allow to access the right data slot of container Window which has type Key

defines a comparison relation which must define a strict ordering of the objects of type Key. If defined, less<Key> is sufficient.


tree_point_traits<Data, Window, Key, Data_func, Window_left_func, Window_right_func, Compare> d();
Generation of a tree_point_traits instance. It is a template class that provides an interface to data items.


Key d.get_key ( Data d) The data slot of the data item of d of type Key is accessed by function object Data_func.

Key d.get_left ( Window w) The data slot of the data item of w of type Key is accessed by function object Window_left_func.

Key d.get_right ( Window w) The data slot of the data item of w of type Key is accessed by function object Window_right_func.

static bool d.comp ( Key& key1, Key& key2) returns Compare(key1, key2).

static bool d.key_comp ( Data& data1, Data& data2)
returns Compare(get_key(data1), get_key(data2)).