


The function make_skin_surface_mesh_3<Polyhedron_3> constructs a mesh isotopic to the skin surface based on the algorithm in [KV05]. It takes as input a range of weighted points and a shrink factor and outputs the mesh in a Polyhedron_3 object. A number of subdivision steps might be applied to refine the mesh.

#include <CGAL/make_skin_surface_mesh_3.h>

void mesh_skin_surface_3<
Polyhedron_3> ( Polyhedron_3 &p,
WP_iterator begin,
WP_iterator end,
double shrink_factor=.5,
int nSubdivisions=0,
bool grow_balls=true)
Constructs a mesh of the skin surface defined by the weighted points and the shrink factor.
Precondition:  Polyhedron_3::HDS can be used as the template argument of the Polyhedron_incremental_builder_3<HDS>.