
CGAL::Kd_tree_node<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>


The class Kd_tree_node<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode> implements a node class for a k-d tree. A node is either a leaf node, an internal node or an extended internal node. A leaf node contains one or more points. An internal node contains a pointer to its lower child, a pointer to its upper child, and a pointer to its separator. An extended internal node is an internal node containing the lower and upper limit of an extended node's rectangle along the node's cutting dimension.

#include <CGAL/Kd_tree_node.h>


Expects for the template argument a model of the concept SearchTraits, for example CGAL::Search_traits_2<CGAL::Cartesian<double> >, or CGAL::Cartesian_d<double>.


Denotes type of node.

Traits::FT FT; Number type.

Traits::Point_d Point_d; Point type.

Splitter::Separator Separator; Separator type.

Point_d_iterator; const iterator over points.

Node_handle; Node handle.

Node_const_handle; const node handle.



template <class OutputIterator, class FuzzyQueryItem>
OutputIterator ( OutputIterator it, FuzzyQueryItem q) const
Reports the points from the subtree of the node, that are approximately contained by q.

template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator n.tree_items ( OutputIterator it) const
Reports all the points contained by the subtree of the node.

bool n.is_leaf () const Indicates whether a node is a leaf node.

unsigned int n.size () const Returns the number of items stored in a leaf node.

Point_d_iterator n.begin () const Returns a const iterator to the first item in a leaf node.

Point_d_iterator n.end () const Returns the appropriate past-the-end const iterator.

Node_handle n.lower () Returns a handle to the lower child of an internal node.

Node_handle n.upper () Returns a handle to the upper child of an internal node.

Node_const_handle n.lower () const Returns a const handle to the lower child of an internal node.

Node_const_handle n.upper () const Returns a const handle to the upper child of an internal node.

Separator& n.separator () Returns a reference to the separator.

FT n.low_value () const Returns the lower limit of an extended node's rectangle along the node's cutting dimension.

FT n.high_value () const Returns the upper limit of an extended node's rectangle along the node's cutting dimension.