


The concept LabeledImage_3 describes the requirements for the second template parameter of the class Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3<Image,BGT> which represents mesh domains defined by 3D labeled images. A 3D labeled image is a 3D array of elements of an integral type Type. Type can be bool, char, short, int, or long (signed or not). Such an array is associated to a 3D axis-aligned regular grid, in 3. A cell of this grid is denoted by voxel. A voxel is an iso-cuboid of size vx(), vy(), and vz().


Type of voxel data. Must be an integral type.

Ring number type.


int image.xdim () First dimension of the 3D array, i.e., the number of voxels along the x coordinate axis.

int image.ydim () Second dimension of the 3D array.

int image.zdim () Third dimension of the 3D array.

RT image.vx () Size of each voxel along x coordinate axis.

RT image.vy () Size of each voxel along y coordinate axis.

RT image.vz () Size of each voxel along z coordinate axis.

const Type* () Pointer to the first element of the 3D image. The size of the array must be xdim() × ydim() × zdim().

Has Models

CGAL::Image_3<Kernel, T>, for any Cgal kernel K and any integral type T.