
CGAL::subdivide_skin_surface_mesh_3<SkinSurface_3, Polyhedron_3>


The function subdivide_skin_surface_mesh_3<SkinSurface_3, Polyhedron_3> subdivides a skin surface mesh constructed by the function mesh_skin_surface_3<SkinSurface_3, Polyhedron_3>.

#include <CGAL/subdivide_skin_surface_mesh_3.h>

void subdivide_skin_surface_mesh_3<SkinSurface_3,
Polyhedron_3> ( SkinSurface_3 skin_surface, Polyhedron_3 &p, int nSubdiv = 1)
Subdivides the skin surface using nSubdiv 1-4 split operations (each triangle is split into four sub-triangles) and the new vertices are moved towards the skin surface.