The class Interval_skip_list_interval<Value> represents intervals with lower and upper bound of type Value. These intervals can be opened or closed at each endpoint.
#include <CGAL/Interval_skip_list_interval.h>
Interval_skip_list_interval<Value> i; | |
Default constructor.
| |
Interval_skip_list_interval<Value> i ( Value i, Value s, bool ic = true, bool uc = true); | |
Constructs the interval with infimum i and supremum s.
The arguments ic and uc have value true, iff
the interval is closed at the lower and upper bound, respectively.
bool | i.inf_closed () const | returns true, iff the interval is closed at the lower bound. |
bool | i.sup_closed () const | returns true, iff the interval is closed at the upper bound. |
The output operator is defined for std::ostream.
ostream& | ostream& os << Interval_skip_list_interval<V> i | |||
Inserts the interval i into the stream os.