


An object s of type Sphere_segment is a segment in the surface of a unit sphere that is part of a great circle trough the origin. Sphere segments are represented by two sphere points p and q plus an oriented plane h that contains p and q. The plane determines the sphere segment as follows. Let c be the circle in the intersection of h and S2. Then s is that part of c that is swept, when we rotate p into q in counterclockwise rotation around the normal vector of h as seen from the positive halfspace.


Nef_polyhedron_S2<Traits>::Sphere_segment s;
creates some sphere segment.

Nef_polyhedron_S2<Traits>::Sphere_segment s ( Sphere_point p1, Sphere_point p2, bool shorter_arc=true);
creates a spherical segment spanning the shorter arc from p1 to p2 if shorter_arc == true. Otherwise the longer arc is created.
Precondition: p1 != p2 and p1 != p2.opposite().

Nef_polyhedron_S2<Traits>::Sphere_segment s ( Sphere_point p1, Sphere_point p2, Sphere_circle c);
creates a spherical segment spanning the arc from p1 to p2 as part of the oriented circle c (p1 == p2 or p1 == p2.opposite() are possible.)
Precondition: p1 and p2 are contained in c.

Nef_polyhedron_S2<Traits>::Sphere_segment s ( Sphere_circle c1, Sphere_circle c2);
creates the spherical segment as part of c1 that is part of the halfsphere left of the oriented circle c2.
Precondition: c1 != c2 as unoriented circles.


Sphere_point s.source () the source point of s.

Sphere_point () the target point of s.

Sphere_circle s.sphere_circle () the great circle supporting s.

Sphere_segment s.opposite () returns the sperical segment oriented from target() to source() with the same point set as s.

Sphere_segment s.complement () returns the sperical segment oriented from target() to source() with the point set completing s to a full circle.

bool s.is_short () a segment is short iff it is shorter than a half-circle.

bool s.is_long () a segment is long iff it is longer than a half-circle.

bool s.is_degenerate () return true iff s is degenerate,
i.e. source and target are the same.

bool s.is_halfcircle () return true iff s is a perfect half-circle, i.e. source().antipode == target().

bool s.has_on ( Sphere_point p) return true iff s contains p.

bool s.has_in_relative_interior ( Sphere_point p)
return true iff s contains p in its relative interior.