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Note : this class is deprecated since Cgal 3.6. Its functionality has been replaced by the use of the Fast_location tag as the LocationPolicy template parameter in Delaunay_triangulation_3.
The class Triangulation_hierarchy_3 implements a triangulation augmented with a data structure which allows fast point location queries. As proved in [Dev02], this structure has an optimal behavior when it is built for Delaunay triangulations. It can however be used for other triangulations.
#include <CGAL/Triangulation_hierarchy_3.h>
It is templated by a parameter which must be instantiated by one of the Cgal triangulation classes. In the current implementation, only Delaunay_triangulation_3 is supported for Tr.
Tr::Vertex has to be a model of the concept
Tr::Geom_traits has to be a model of the concept
Triangulation_hierarchy_3<Tr> offers exactly the same functionalities as Tr. Most of them (point location, insertion, removal … ) are overloaded to improve their efficiency by using the hierarchic structure.
Note that, since the algorithms that are provided are randomized, the running time of constructing a triangulation with a hierarchy may be improved when shuffling the data points.
However, the I/O operations are not overloaded. So, writing a hierarchy into a file will lose the hierarchic structure and reading it from the file will result in an ordinary triangulation whose efficiency will be the same as Tr.