


The class Fuzzy_iso_box<Traits> implements fuzzy d-dimensional iso boxes. A fuzzy iso box with fuzziness value ε has as outer approximation a box dilated, and as inner approximation a box eroded by a d-dim square with side length ε.

#include <CGAL/Fuzzy_iso_box.h>


Expects for the template argument a model of the concept SearchTraits, for example CGAL::Search_traits_2<CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> >.

Is Model for the Concepts



Traits::Point_d Point_d; Point type.

Traits::FT FT; Number type.


Fuzzy_iso_box<Traits> b ( Point_d p, Point_d q, FT epsilon=FT(0), Traits t=Traits());
Constructs a fuzzy iso box specified by the minimal iso box containing p and q and fuzziness value epsilon.
Precondition:  p must be lexicographically smaller than q.

In case Traits is Search_traits_adapter<Key,PointPropertyMap,BaseTraits>, the following constructor is also available:

Fuzzy_iso_box<Traits> b ( Traits::Base::Point_d p, Traits::Base::Point_d q, FT epsilon=FT(0), Traits t=Traits());
Constructs a fuzzy iso box specified by the minimal iso box containing p and q and fuzziness value epsilon.
Precondition:  p must be lexicographically smaller than q.


bool b.contains ( Point_d p) const test whether b contains p.

bool b.inner_range_intersects ( Kd_tree_rectangle<FT> rectangle) const
test whether the inner box intersects the rectangle associated with a node of a tree.

bool b.outer_range_contains ( Kd_tree_rectangle<FT> rectangle) const
test whether the outer box encloses the rectangle associated with a node of a tree.

See Also
