
CGAL::Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>


The class Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode> defines a k-d tree.

#include <CGAL/Kd_tree.h>


Expects for the first template argument a model of the concept SearchTraits, for example CGAL::Search_traits_2<CGAL::Cartesian<double> >.

Expects for the second template argument a model for the concept Splitter. It defaults to Sliding_midpoint<Traits>.

Expects for the third template argument CGAL::Tag_true, if the tree shall be built with extended nodes, and CGAL::Tag_false otherwise.


Traits::Point_d Point_d; Point class.

Traits::FT FT; Number type.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::Splitter
Splitter type.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::iterator
Bidirectional const iterator with value type Point_d that allows to enumerate all points in the tree.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::Node_handle
A handle with value type Kd_tree_node<Traits,Splitter>.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::Node_const_handle
A const handle with value type Kd_tree_node<Traits,Splitter>.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::Point_d_iterator
Random access const iterator with value type const Point_d*.

Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode>::size_type
A type that counts the number of elements in a k-d tree.


Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode> tree ( Splitter s=Splitter(), Traits t=Traits());
Constructs an empty k-d tree.

template <class InputIterator>
Kd_tree<Traits, Splitter, UseExtendedNode> tree ( InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, Splitter s=Splitter(), Traits t=Traits());
Constructs a k-d tree on the elements from the sequence [first, beyond) using the splitting rule implemented by s. The value type of the InputIterator must be Point_d.


void tree.insert ( Point_d p) Inserts the point p in the k-d tree.

template <class InputIterator>
void tree.insert ( InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond)
Inserts the elements from the sequence [first, beyond) in the k-d tree. The value type of the InputIterator must be Point_d.

template <class OutputIterator, class FuzzyQueryItem>
OutputIterator ( OutputIterator it, FuzzyQueryItem q) const
Reports the points that are approximately contained by q. The types FuzzyQueryItem::Point_d and Point_d must be equivalent. To use this function Traits must be a model of the concept RangeSearchTraits.

iterator tree.begin () const Returns a const iterator to the first point in the tree.

iterator tree.end () const Returns the appropriate past-the-end const iterator.

void tree.clear () Removes all points from the k-d tree.

size_type tree.size () const Returns the number of points that are stored in the tree.

Traits tree.traits () const return the instance of the traits used to construct the tree.

Node_handle tree.root () Returns a handle to the root node of the tree.

Node_const_handle tree.root () const Returns a const handle to the root node of the tree.

Kd_tree_rectangle<FT> tree.bounding_box () const returns a const reference to the bounding box of the root node of the tree.

std::ostream& tree.statistics ( std::ostream& s) const
Inserts statistics of the tree into the output stream s.

See Also

Tree. CGAL::Kd_tree_node<Traits>