class | CGAL::Gray_image_mesh_domain_3< Image, BGT, Image_word_type > |
class | CGAL::Image_3 |
| The class Image_3 is a C++ wrapper around the InrImage library. More...
class | CGAL::Implicit_mesh_domain_3< Function, BGT > |
class | CGAL::Implicit_multi_domain_to_labeling_function_wrapper< Function > |
| The class Implicit_multi_domain_to_labeling_function_wrapper is a helping class to get a function with integer values labeling the components of a multi-domain. More...
class | CGAL::Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3< Image, BGT > |
class | CGAL::Labeled_mesh_domain_3< BGT > |
| The class Labeled_mesh_domain_3 implements indexed domains. More...
class | CGAL::Mesh_constant_domain_field_3< Gt, Index > |
| The class Mesh_constant_domain_field_3 is a model of concept MeshDomainField_3 . More...
struct | CGAL::Mesh_polyhedron_3< IGT > |
| The class Mesh_polyhedron_3 provides a customized Polyhedron_3 type. More...
class | CGAL::Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3< Polyhedron, IGT, TriangleAccessor > |
| The class Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3 implements a domain defined by a simplicial polyhedral surface. More...
class | CGAL::Polyhedral_mesh_domain_with_features_3< IGT > |
| The class Polyhedral_mesh_domain_with_features_3 implements a domain whose boundary is a simplicial polyhedral surface. More...
class | CGAL::Triangle_accessor_3<, K > |
| The class Triangle_accessor_3 is a model for the concept TriangleAccessor_3 . More...
class | CGAL::Polyhedral_complex_mesh_domain_3< IGT_, Polyhedron, TriangleAccessor > |
| The class Polyhedral_complex_mesh_domain_3 implements a domain defined by a collection of polyhedral surfaces, forming a complex. More...
class | CGAL::Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3< MeshDomain_3 > |
| The class Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3 is designed to allow the user to add some 0- and 1-dimensional features into any model of the MeshDomain_3 concept. More...