\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.5.2 - Triangulated Surface Mesh Deformation
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CGAL::Deform_mesh< HG, VIM, HIM, TAG, WC, ST, CR, VPM > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Deform_mesh.h>

Inherits from

CGAL::Surface_mesh_deformation< HG, VIM, HIM, TAG, WC, ST, CR, VPM >.


template<class HG, class VIM = Default, class HIM = Default, Deformation_algorithm_tag TAG = SPOKES_AND_RIMS, class WC = Default, class ST = Default, class CR = Default, class VPM = Default>
class CGAL::Deform_mesh< HG, VIM, HIM, TAG, WC, ST, CR, VPM >

Class renamed to Surface_mesh_deformation.

This class name is deprecated and has been renamed to Surface_mesh_deformation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CGAL::Surface_mesh_deformation< HG, VIM, HIM, TAG, WC, ST, CR, VPM >
typedef HG Halfedge_graph
typedef VIM Vertex_index_map
typedef HIM Hedge_index_map
typedef WC Weight_calculator
typedef ST Sparse_linear_solver
typedef CR Closest_rotation_traits
typedef VPM Vertex_point_map
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Halfedge_graph >
 The type for vertex descriptor.
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Halfedge_graph >
 The type for halfedge descriptor.
typedef boost::property_traits
< Vertex_point_map >
 The 3D point type, model of RawPoint_3
typedef std::vector
< vertex_descriptor
 A constant iterator range over the vertices of the region-of-interest. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGAL::Surface_mesh_deformation< HG, VIM, HIM, TAG, WC, ST, CR, VPM >
 Surface_mesh_deformation (Halfedge_graph &halfedge_graph, Vertex_index_map vertex_index_map=get(boost::vertex_index, halfedge_graph), Hedge_index_map hedge_index_map=get(boost::halfedge_index, halfedge_graph), Vertex_point_map vertex_point_map=get(vertex_point, halfedge_graph), Weight_calculator weight_calculator=Weight_calculator())
 The constructor of a deformation object. More...
void clear_roi_vertices ()
 Erases all the vertices from the region-of-interest (control vertices included).
void clear_control_vertices ()
 Erases all the vertices from the set of control vertices.
bool insert_control_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd)
 Inserts a vertex in the set of control vertices. More...
template<class InputIterator >
void insert_control_vertices (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
 Inserts a range of vertices in the set of control vertices. More...
bool erase_control_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd)
 Erases a vertex from the set of control vertices. More...
template<class InputIterator >
void insert_roi_vertices (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
 Inserts a range of vertices in the region-of-interest. More...
bool insert_roi_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd)
 Inserts a vertex in the region-of-interest. More...
bool erase_roi_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd)
 Erases a vertex from the region-of-interest and the set of control vertices. More...
bool preprocess ()
 Preprocessing function that need to be called each time the region-of-interest or the set of control vertices are changed before calling deform(). More...
void set_target_position (vertex_descriptor vd, const Point &target_position)
 Sets the target position of a control vertex. More...
template<class Vect >
void translate (vertex_descriptor vd, const Vect &t)
 Updates the target position of vd by applying a translation of vector t. More...
template<class InputIterator , class Vect >
void translate (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const Vect &t)
 Equivalent to calling the overload taking only one control vertex, for each vertex in the range [begin,end[. More...
template<typename Quaternion , typename Vect >
void rotate (vertex_descriptor vd, const Vect &to_rotation_center, const Quaternion &quat)
 Updates the target position of vd by applying to its last target position a rotation defined by the quaternion quat, the center of the rotation being the origin translated by to_rotation_center . More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename Vect , typename Quaternion >
void rotate (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const Vect &to_rotation_center, const Quaternion &quat)
 Equivalent to calling the overload taking only one control vertex, for each vertex in the range [begin,end[. More...
const Pointtarget_position (vertex_descriptor vd)
 Returns the target position of a control vertex. More...
void deform ()
 Deforms the region-of-interest according to the deformation algorithm, using the target positions of each control vertex set by using rotate(), translate(), or set_target_position(). More...
void deform (unsigned int iterations, double tolerance)
 Same as deform() but the number of iterations and the tolerance are one-time parameters. More...
void reset ()
 Resets the points associated to the vertices of the region-of-interest at their initial positions at time of the functor construction or after the last call to overwrite_initial_geometry(). More...
void overwrite_initial_geometry ()
 Sets the initial positions of the vertices from the region-of-interest to the current positions. More...
unsigned int iterations ()
 Gets the default number of iterations (5) or the value passed to the function set_iterations()
double tolerance ()
 Gets the default tolerance parameter (1e-4) or the value passed to the function set_tolerance()
void set_iterations (unsigned int iterations)
 Sets the maximum number of iterations ran by deform()
void set_tolerance (double tolerance)
 Sets the tolerance of the convergence used in deform(). More...
Roi_vertex_range roi_vertices () const
 Returns the range of vertices in the region-of-interest.
bool is_roi_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd) const
 Tests whether a vertex is inside the region-of-interest. More...
bool is_control_vertex (vertex_descriptor vd) const
 Tests whether a vertex is a control vertex. More...
const Halfedge_graph & halfedge_graph () const
 Provides access to the halfedge graph being deformed.