CGAL 4.5 - Optimal Distances
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 12]
|oCPolytope_distance_dAn object of the class Polytope_distance_d represents the (squared) distance between two convex polytopes, given as the convex hulls of two finite point sets in d-dimensional Euclidean space Ed
|oCPolytope_distance_d_traits_2The class Polytope_distance_d_traits_2 is a traits class for the d-dimensional optimisation algorithms using the two-dimensional CGAL kernel
|oCPolytope_distance_d_traits_3The class Polytope_distance_d_traits_3 is a traits class for the d-dimensional optimisation algorithms using the three-dimensional CGAL kernel
|oCPolytope_distance_d_traits_dThe class Polytope_distance_d_traits_d is a traits class for the d-dimensional optimisation algorithms using the d-dimensional CGAL kernel
|oCWidth_3Given a set of points S={p1,,pn} in R3
|\CWidth_default_traits_3The class Width_default_traits_3 is a traits class for Width_3<Traits> using the three-dimensional CGAL kernel
oCAllFurthestNeighborsTraits_2The concept AllFurthestNeighborsTraits_2 defines types and operations needed to compute all furthest neighbors for the vertices of a convex polygon using the function all_furthest_neighbors_2()
oCPolytopeDistanceDTraitsThis concept defines the requirements for traits classes of d-dimensional optimisation algorithms
\CWidthTraits_3This concept defines the requirements for traits classes of Width_3<Traits>