\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.7 - Polygon Mesh Processing
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Polygon Mesh Processing Reference

Sébastien Loriot, Jane Tournois, Ilker O. Yaz
This package provides a collection of methods and classes for polygon mesh processing, ranging from basic operations on simplices, to complex geometry processing algorithms.

Introduced in: CGAL 4.7
Depends on: documented for each function; Sparse square solver such as those from Eigen
BibTeX: cgal:lty-pmp-15b
License: GPL
Windows Demo: Operations on Polyhedra
Common Demo Dlls: dlls

Classified Reference Pages


Optional parameters of the functions of this package are implemented as BGL named parameters. The page Named Parameters describes their usage and provides a list of the parameters that are used in this package.

Meshing Functions

Hole Filling Functions

Predicate Functions and Classes

Orientation Functions

Combinatorial Repairing Functions

Normal Computation Functions

Connected Components



 Named Parameters
 How to use BGL Optional Named Parameters



file  polygon_mesh_processing.h
 Convenience header file including the headers for all the free functions of this package.


class  CGAL::Polygon_mesh_slicer< TriangleMesh, Traits, VertexPointMap, AABBTree, UseParallelPlaneOptimization >
 Function object that computes the intersection of a plane with a triangulated surface mesh. More...
class  CGAL::Side_of_triangle_mesh< TriangleMesh, GeomTraits, VertexPointMap >
 This class provides an efficient point location functionality with respect to a domain bounded by one or several disjoint closed triangle meshes. More...


template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
Vector_3 CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_face_normal (typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::face_descriptor f, const PolygonMesh &pmesh, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes the outward unit vector normal to face f. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_face_normals (const PolygonMesh &pmesh, FaceNormalMap fnm, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes the outward unit vector normal for all faces of the polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
Vector_3 CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_vertex_normal (typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, const PolygonMesh &pmesh, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes the unit normal at vertex v as the average of the normals of incident faces. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_vertex_normals (const PolygonMesh &pmesh, VertexNormalMap vnm, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes the outward unit vector normal for all vertices of the polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexNormalMap , typename FaceNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_normals (const PolygonMesh &pmesh, VertexNormalMap vnm, FaceNormalMap fnm, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes the outward unit vector normal for all vertices and faces of the polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
FaceOutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::connected_component (typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::face_descriptor seed_face, const PolygonMesh &pmesh, FaceOutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 discovers all the faces in the same connected component as seed_face and records them in out. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceComponentMap , typename NamedParameters >
< FaceComponentMap >
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::connected_components (const PolygonMesh &pmesh, const FaceComponentMap &fcm, const NamedParameters &np)
 computes for each face the index of the corresponding connected component. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
std::size_t CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::keep_largest_connected_components (PolygonMesh &pmesh, std::size_t nb_components_to_keep, const NamedParameters &np)
 removes the small connected components and all the isolated vertices. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexRange , typename NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::fair (PolygonMesh &pmesh, const VertexRange &vertices, const NamedParameters &np)
 fairs a region on a polygon mesh. More...
template<class Point , class Polygon >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_polygon_soup (std::vector< Point > &points, std::vector< Polygon > &polygons)
 tries to consistently orient a soup of polygons in 3D space. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_outward_oriented (const PolygonMesh &pmesh, const NamedParameters &np)
 tests whether a closed polygon mesh has a positive orientation. More...
template<class PolygonMesh , class Point , class Polygon >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::polygon_soup_to_polygon_mesh (const std::vector< Point > &points, const std::vector< Polygon > &polygons, PolygonMesh &out)
 builds a polygon mesh from a soup of polygons. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceRange , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
std::pair< FaceOutputIterator,
VertexOutputIterator > 
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::refine (PolygonMesh &pmesh, const FaceRange &faces, FaceOutputIterator faces_out, VertexOutputIterator vertices_out, const NamedParameters &np)
 refines a region of a polygon mesh More...
template<class TriangleMesh , class OutputIterator , class NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::self_intersections (const TriangleMesh &tmesh, OutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 detects and records self-intersections of a triangulated surface mesh. More...
template<class TriangleMesh , class FaceRange , class OutputIterator , class NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::self_intersections (const FaceRange &face_range, const TriangleMesh &tmesh, OutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 Same as above but the self-intersections reported are only limited to the faces in face_range. More...
template<class TriangleMesh , class NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::does_self_intersect (const TriangleMesh &tmesh, const NamedParameters &np)
 tests if a triangulated surface mesh self-intersects. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces (PolygonMesh &pmesh, const NamedParameters &np)
 triangulates faces of a polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole (PolygonMesh &pmesh, typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor border_halfedge, OutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 triangulates a hole in a polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
std::pair< FaceOutputIterator,
VertexOutputIterator > 
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_and_refine_hole (PolygonMesh &pmesh, typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor border_halfedge, FaceOutputIterator face_out, VertexOutputIterator vertex_out, const NamedParameters &np)
 triangulates and refines a hole in a polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
CGAL::cpp11::tuple< bool,
VertexOutputIterator > 
CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_refine_and_fair_hole (PolygonMesh &pmesh, typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor border_halfedge, FaceOutputIterator face_out, VertexOutputIterator vertex_out, const NamedParameters &np)
 triangulates, refines and fairs a hole in a polygon mesh. More...
template<typename PointRange , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole_polyline (const PointRange &points, const PointRange &third_points, OutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 creates triangles to fill the hole defined by points in the range points. More...
template<typename PointRange , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole_polyline (const PointRange &points, OutputIterator out, const NamedParameters &np)
 same as above but the range of third points is omitted. More...

Function Documentation

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
Vector_3 CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_face_normal ( typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes the outward unit vector normal to face f.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
fthe face on which the normal is computed
pmeshthe polygon mesh containing f
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance
the computed normal. The return type is a 3D vector type. It is either deduced from the geom_traits Named Parameters if provided, or from the geometric traits class deduced from the point property map of pmesh.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/compute_normal.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_face_normals ( const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
FaceNormalMap  fnm,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes the outward unit vector normal for all faces of the polygon mesh.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
FaceNormalMapa model of WritablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and Kernel::Vector_3 as value type.
pmeshthe polygon mesh
fnmthe property map in which the normals are written
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/compute_normal.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexNormalMap , typename FaceNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_normals ( const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
VertexNormalMap  vnm,
FaceNormalMap  fnm,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes the outward unit vector normal for all vertices and faces of the polygon mesh.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
VertexNormalMapa model of WritablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and Kernel::Vector_3 as value type.
FaceNormalMapa model of WritablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and Kernel::Vector_3 as value type.
pmeshthe polygon mesh
vnmthe property map in which the vertex normals are written
fnmthe property map in which the face normals are written
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/compute_normal.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
Vector_3 CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_vertex_normal ( typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes the unit normal at vertex v as the average of the normals of incident faces.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
vthe vertex at which the normal is computed
pmeshthe polygon mesh containing v
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance
the computed normal. The return type is a 3D vector type. It is either deduced from the geom_traits Named Parameters if provided, or the geometric traits class deduced from the point property map of pmesh.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/compute_normal.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexNormalMap , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::compute_vertex_normals ( const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
VertexNormalMap  vnm,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes the outward unit vector normal for all vertices of the polygon mesh.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
VertexNormalMapa model of WritablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor as key type and the return type of compute_vertex_normal() as value type.
pmeshthe polygon mesh
vnmthe property map in which the normals are written
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/compute_normal.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
FaceOutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::connected_component ( typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::face_descriptor  seed_face,
const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
FaceOutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

discovers all the faces in the same connected component as seed_face and records them in out.

seed_face will also be added in out. Two faces are recorded in the same connected component if they share an edge that is not marked as constrained.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceGraph
FaceOutputIteratora model of OutputIterator that accepts faces of type boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor.
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
seed_facea face of pmesh from which exploration starts to detect the connected component that contains it
pmeshthe polygon mesh
outthe output iterator that collects faces from the same connected component as seed_face
npoptional Named Parameters described below
Named Parameters
edge_is_constrained_mapa property map containing the constrained-or-not status of each edge of pmesh
the output iterator.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/connected_components.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceComponentMap , typename NamedParameters >
boost::property_traits<FaceComponentMap>::value_type CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::connected_components ( const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const FaceComponentMap &  fcm,
const NamedParameters &  np 

computes for each face the index of the corresponding connected component.

Two faces are recorded in the same connected component if they share an edge that is not marked as constrained.

A property map for CGAL::face_index_t should be either available as an internal property map to pmesh or provided as one of the Named Parameters.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph
FaceComponentMapa model of WritablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and boost::face_index as value type.
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshthe polygon mesh
fcmthe property map with indices of components associated to faces in pmesh
npoptional Named Parameters described below
Named Parameters
edge_is_constrained_mapa property map containing the constrained-or-not status of each edge of pmesh
face_index_mapa property map containing the index of each face of pmesh
the number of connected components.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/connected_components.h>

template<class TriangleMesh , class NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::does_self_intersect ( const TriangleMesh &  tmesh,
const NamedParameters &  np 

tests if a triangulated surface mesh self-intersects.

This function depends on the package Intersecting Sequences of dD Iso-oriented Boxes

Template Parameters
TriangleMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
tmeshthe triangulated surface mesh to be tested
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of tmesh
geom_traitsan instance of a geometric traits class, model of SelfIntersectionTraits
true if tmesh self-intersects

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/self_intersections.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename VertexRange , typename NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::fair ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const VertexRange &  vertices,
const NamedParameters &  np 

fairs a region on a polygon mesh.

The points of the selected vertices are relocated to yield an as-smooth-as-possible surface patch, based on solving a linear bi-Laplacian system with boundary constraints, described in [2]. The optional parameter fairing_continuity gives the ability to control the tangential continuity Cn of the output mesh.

The region described by vertices might contain multiple disconnected components. Note that the mesh connectivity is not altered in any way, only vertex locations get updated.

Fairing might fail if fixed vertices, which are used as boundary conditions, do not suffice to solve constructed linear system.

Note that if the vertex range to which fairing is applied contains all the vertices of the polygon mesh, fairing does not fail, but the mesh gets shrinked to CGAL::ORIGIN.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
VertexRangea range of vertex descriptors of PolygonMesh, model of Range. Its iterator type is InputIterator.
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshthe polygon mesh with patches to be faired
verticesthe vertices of the patches to be faired (the positions of only those vertices will be changed)
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
fairing_continuitytangential continuity of the output surface patch. The larger fairing_continuity gets, the more fixed vertices are required
sparse_linear_solveran instance of the sparse linear solver used for fairing
true if fairing is successful, otherwise no vertices are relocated

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/fair.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_outward_oriented ( const PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const NamedParameters &  np 

tests whether a closed polygon mesh has a positive orientation.

A closed polygon mesh is considered to have a positive orientation if the normal vectors to all its faces point outside the domain bounded by the polygon mesh. The normal vector to each face is chosen pointing on the side of the face where its sequence of vertices is seen counterclockwise.

If pmesh contains several connected components, they are oriented consistently. In other words, the answer to this predicate would be the same for each isolated connected component.
Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for boost::vertex_point_t
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshthe closed polygon mesh to be tested
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance
See Also

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/orientation.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
std::size_t CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::keep_largest_connected_components ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
std::size_t  nb_components_to_keep,
const NamedParameters &  np 

removes the small connected components and all the isolated vertices.

Keep nb_components_to_keep largest connected components. Two faces are considered in the same connected component if they share an edge that is not marked as constrained.

Property maps for CGAL::face_index_t and CGAL::vertex_index_t should be either available as internal property maps to pmesh or provided as Named Parameters.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshthe polygon mesh
nb_components_to_keepthe number of components to be kept
npoptional Named Parameters described below
Named Parameters
edge_is_constrained_mapa property map containing the constrained-or-not status of each edge of pmesh
face_index_mapa property map containing the index of each face of pmesh
vertex_index_mapa property map containing the index of each vertex of pmesh
the number of connected components removed (ignoring isolated vertices).

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/connected_components.h>

template<class Point , class Polygon >
bool CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_polygon_soup ( std::vector< Point > &  points,
std::vector< Polygon > &  polygons 

tries to consistently orient a soup of polygons in 3D space.

When it is not possible to produce a combinatorial manifold surface, some points are duplicated. Because a polygon soup does not have any connectivity (each point has as many occurences as the number of polygons it belongs to), duplicating one point (or a pair of points) amounts to duplicate the polygon to which it belongs.

These points are either an endpoint of an edge incident to more than two polygons, an endpoint of an edge between two polygons with incompatible orientations (during the re-orientation process), or more generally a point p at which the intersection of an infinitesimally small ball centered at p with the polygons incident to it is not a topological disk.

The algorithm is described in [1].

Template Parameters
Pointthe point type
Polygona std::vector<std::size_t> containing the indices of the points of the face
pointspoints of the soup of polygons. Some points might be pushed back to resolve non-manifold or non-orientability issues.
polygonseach element in the vector describes a polygon using the index of the points in points. If needed the order of the indices of a polygon might be reversed.
true if the orientation operation succeded.
false if some points were duplicated, thus producing a self-intersecting polyhedron.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/orient_polygon_soup.h>

template<class PolygonMesh , class Point , class Polygon >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::polygon_soup_to_polygon_mesh ( const std::vector< Point > &  points,
const std::vector< Polygon > &  polygons,
PolygonMesh &  out 

builds a polygon mesh from a soup of polygons.

the input polygon soup describes consistently oriented polygon mesh.
Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of MutableFaceGraph
Pointa point type that has an operator [] to access coordinates
Polygona std::vector<std::size_t> containing the indices of the points of the face
pointspoints of the soup of polygons
polygonseach element in the vector describes a polygon using the index of the points in points
outthe polygon mesh to be built
See Also

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/polygon_soup_to_polygon_mesh.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceRange , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
std::pair<FaceOutputIterator, VertexOutputIterator> CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::refine ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const FaceRange &  faces,
FaceOutputIterator  faces_out,
VertexOutputIterator  vertices_out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

refines a region of a polygon mesh

Template Parameters
PolygonMeshmodel of MutableFaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
FaceRangerange of face descriptors, model of Range. Its iterator type is InputIterator.
FaceOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor for patch faces
VertexOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor for patch vertices
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshpolygon mesh with patches to be refined
facesthe range of faces defining the patches to refine
faces_outoutput iterator into which descriptors of new faces are recorded
vertices_outoutput iterator into which descriptors of new vertices are recorded
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh Instance of a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap
density_control_factorfactor to control density of the ouput mesh, where larger values lead to denser refinements. The density of vertices of faces_out is this factor times higher than the vertices of faces.
pair of faces_out and vertices_out

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/refine.h>

template<class TriangleMesh , class OutputIterator , class NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::self_intersections ( const TriangleMesh &  tmesh,
OutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

detects and records self-intersections of a triangulated surface mesh.

This function depends on the package Intersecting Sequences of dD Iso-oriented Boxes

Template Parameters
TriangleMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
OutputIteratora model of OutputIterator holding objects of type std::pair<boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor, boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor>
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
tmeshthe triangulated surface mesh to be checked
outoutput iterator to be filled with all pairs of non-adjacent faces that intersect
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsan instance of a geometric traits class, model of SelfIntersectionTraits

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/self_intersections.h>

template<class TriangleMesh , class FaceRange , class OutputIterator , class NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::self_intersections ( const FaceRange &  face_range,
const TriangleMesh &  tmesh,
OutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

Same as above but the self-intersections reported are only limited to the faces in face_range.

Template Parameters
FaceRangerange of boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor, model of Range. Its iterator type is RandomAccessIterator.
TriangleMesha model of FaceListGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
OutputIteratora model of OutputIterator holding objects of type std::pair<boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor, boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor>
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
face_rangethe range of faces to check for self-intersection.
tmeshthe triangulated surface mesh to be checked
outoutput iterator to be filled with all pairs of non-adjacent faces that intersect
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsan instance of a geometric traits class, model of SelfIntersectionTraits

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/self_intersections.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
std::pair<FaceOutputIterator, VertexOutputIterator> CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_and_refine_hole ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  border_halfedge,
FaceOutputIterator  face_out,
VertexOutputIterator  vertex_out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

triangulates and refines a hole in a polygon mesh.

Template Parameters
PolygonMeshmust be model of MutableFaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
FacetOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor for patch faces.
VertexOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor for patch vertices.
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshpolygon mesh which has the hole
border_halfedgea border halfedge incident to the hole
face_outoutput iterator over patch faces
vertex_outoutput iterator over patch vertices without including the boundary
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
density_control_factorfactor to control density of the ouput mesh, where larger values cause denser refinements, as in refine()
use_delaunay_triangulationif true, use the Delaunay triangulation facet search space
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance
pair of face_out and vertex_out
See Also

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename NamedParameters >
void CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
const NamedParameters &  np 

triangulates faces of a polygon mesh.

This function depends on the package 2D Triangulation

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of FaceListGraph and MutableFaceGraph that has an internal property map for boost::vertex_point_t
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshthe polygon mesh to be triangulated
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_faces.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  border_halfedge,
OutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

triangulates a hole in a polygon mesh.

The hole must not contain any non-manifold vertex. The patch generated does not introduce non-manifold edges nor degenerate triangles. If a hole cannot be triangulated, pmesh is not modified and nothing is recorded in out.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of MutableFaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
OutputIteratora model of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor for patch faces.
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshpolygon mesh containing the hole
border_halfedgea border halfedge incident to the hole
outiterator over patch faces
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
use_delaunay_triangulationif true, use the Delaunay triangulation facet search space
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>

template<typename PointRange , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole_polyline ( const PointRange &  points,
const PointRange &  third_points,
OutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

creates triangles to fill the hole defined by points in the range points.

Triangles are recorded into out using the indices of the input points in the range points. Note that no degenerate triangles will be produced. If no triangulation can be found, then nothing is recorded in out.

The point range third_points indicates for each pair of consecutive points in the range points, the third point of the facet this segment is incident to.

Note that the ranges points and third_points may or may not contain duplicated first point at the end of sequence.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypevalue type of OutputIterator having a constructor OutputIteratorValueType(int p0, int p1, int p2) available. It defaults to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type, and can be omitted when the default is fine.
PointRangerange of points, model of Range. Its iterator type is InputIterator.
OutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor for patch faces
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pointsthe range of input points
third_pointsthe range of third points
outiterator over output patch triangles
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
use_delaunay_triangulationif true, use the Delaunay triangulation facet search space
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>

template<typename PointRange , typename OutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
OutputIterator CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_hole_polyline ( const PointRange &  points,
OutputIterator  out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

same as above but the range of third points is omitted.

They are not taken into account in the cost computation that leads the hole filling.

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>

template<typename PolygonMesh , typename FaceOutputIterator , typename VertexOutputIterator , typename NamedParameters >
CGAL::cpp11::tuple<bool, FaceOutputIterator, VertexOutputIterator> CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_refine_and_fair_hole ( PolygonMesh &  pmesh,
typename boost::graph_traits< PolygonMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  border_halfedge,
FaceOutputIterator  face_out,
VertexOutputIterator  vertex_out,
const NamedParameters &  np 

triangulates, refines and fairs a hole in a polygon mesh.

Template Parameters
PolygonMesha model of MutableFaceGraph that has an internal property map for CGAL::vertex_point_t
FaceOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::face_descriptor for patch faces
VertexOutputIteratormodel of OutputIterator holding boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor for patch vertices
NamedParametersa sequence of Named Parameters
pmeshpolygon mesh which has the hole
border_halfedgea border halfedge incident to the hole
face_outoutput iterator over patch faces
vertex_outoutput iterator over patch vertices without including the boundary
npoptional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Named Parameters
vertex_point_mapthe property map with the points associated to the vertices of pmesh
use_delaunay_triangulationif true, use the Delaunay triangulation facet search space
density_control_factorfactor to control density of the ouput mesh, where larger values cause denser refinements, as in refine()
fairing_continuitytangential continuity of the output surface patch
sparse_linear_solveran instance of the sparse linear solver used for fairing
geom_traitsa geometric traits class instance
tuple of
  • bool: true if fairing is successful
  • face_out
  • vertex_out
See Also

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>
