▼NCGAL | |
CDual | The class template Dual is an adaptor that creates the dual view of a FaceGraph |
Cdynamic_edge_property_t | Dynamic edge property tag |
Cdynamic_face_property_t | Dynamic face property tag |
Cdynamic_halfedge_property_t | Dynamic halfedge property tag |
Cdynamic_vertex_property_t | Dynamic vertex property tag |
CFace_around_face_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor |
CFace_around_face_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor |
CFace_around_target_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor over all faces incident to the same vertex |
CFace_around_target_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor |
CFace_filtered_graph | The class Face_filtered_graph is an adaptor that creates a filtered view of a graph by restricting it to a subset of faces |
Cgraph_has_property | Graph_has_property is used to indicate if a model of HalfedgeGraph or FaceGraph has an internal property associated with the given PropertyTag |
CGraph_with_descriptor_with_graph | The class Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph wraps a graph into another graph in such a way that its descriptors contain a reference to the graph they come from |
CGraph_with_descriptor_with_graph_property_map | Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph_property_map enables to forward properties from a Graph to a Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph |
CHalfedge_around_face_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges incident to the same face or border |
CHalfedge_around_face_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges incident to the same face or border |
CHalfedge_around_source_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges having the same vertex as source |
CHalfedge_around_source_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges having the same vertex as source |
CHalfedge_around_target_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges having the same vertex as target |
CHalfedge_around_target_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor over all halfedges having the same vertex as target |
CHalfedgeDS_face_max_base_with_id | The class HalfedgeDS_face_max_base_with_id is a model of the HalfedgeDSFace concept |
CHalfedgeDS_halfedge_max_base_with_id | The class HalfedgeDS_halfedge_max_base_with_id is a model of the HalfedgeDSHalfedge concept |
CHalfedgeDS_vertex_max_base_with_id | The class HalfedgeDS_vertex_max_base_with_id is a model of the HalfedgeDSVertex concept |
CLinear_cell_complex_bgl_min_items | The class Linear_cell_complex_bgl_min_items defines void as the information associated with darts, darts have ids and 0- and 2-attributes are enabled and have ids |
CLinear_cell_complex_for_bgl_combinatorial_map_helper | The class Linear_cell_complex_for_bgl_combinatorial_map_helper defines a CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map as inner type, named type , having CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_bgl_min_items as items class |
CPolyhedron_items_with_id_3 | The class Polyhedron_items_with_id_3 is a model of the PolyhedronItems_3 concept |
▼CSeam_mesh | This class is a data structure that takes a triangle mesh, further refered to as underlying mesh and turns some marked edges of that mesh into virtual boundary edges |
Cedge_descriptor | This class represents an edge of the seam mesh |
Chalfedge_descriptor | This class represents a halfedge of the seam mesh |
Cvertex_descriptor | This class represents a vertex of the seam mesh |
CTriangulation_face_base_with_id_2 | The class Triangulation_face_base_with_id_2 is a model of the concept TriangulationFaceBase_2 , the base face of a 2D-triangulation |
CTriangulation_vertex_base_with_id_2 | The class Triangulation_vertex_base_with_id_2 is a model of the concept TriangulationVertexBase_2 , the base vertex of a 2D-triangulation |
CVertex_around_face_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor over all vertices incident to the same face or border |
CVertex_around_target_circulator | A bidirectional circulator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor over all vertices adjacent to the same vertex |
CVertex_around_target_iterator | A bidirectional iterator with value type boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor over all vertices adjacent to the same vertex |
CEdgeListGraph | Concept from the Boost Graph Library. See https://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/EdgeListGraph.html |
CFaceGraph | The concept FaceGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph . It adds the requirements for a graph to explicitly maintain faces described by halfedges, to provide access from a face to an incident halfedge, and to provide access from a halfedge to its incident face |
CFaceListGraph | The concept FaceListGraph refines the concept FaceGraph and adds the requirement for traversal of all faces in a graph |
CHalfedgeGraph | The concept HalfedgeGraph is a refinement of the Bgl concept IncidenceGraph and adds the notion of a halfedge: Each edge is associated with two opposite halfedges with source and target vertices swapped. Furthermore, halfedges have a successor and predecessor, and form cycles we call faces. However, this concept does not introduce a face type. A HalfedgeGraph is undirected and does not allow parallel edges |
CHalfedgeListGraph | The concept HalfedgeListGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for traversal of all halfedges in the graph |
CMutableFaceGraph | The concept MutableFaceGraph refines the concepts FaceGraph and MutableHalfedgeGraph and adds the requirement for operations to add faces and to modify face-halfedge relations |
CMutableHalfedgeGraph | The concept MutableHalfedgeGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for operations to add vertices and edges, and to update the incidence information between vertices and halfedges |
CVertexListGraph | Concept from the Boost Graph Library. See https://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/VertexListGraph.html |