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CGAL 5.1 - 3D Mesh Generation
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MeshDomain_3 Concept Reference

Inherited by CGAL::Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3< MeshDomain_3 >.


The concept MeshDomain_3 describes the knowledge required on the object to be discretized. The concept MeshDomain_3 is the concept to be used when the input domain does not have 0 or 1-dimensional features that need to be accurately approximated by the mesh. In such a case, the queries issued by the meshing process concern only the faces of the input domain with dimension 3 and 2, that are respectively called subdomains and surface patches.

More specifically the concept MeshDomain_3 provides a method to localize a point with respect to the input domain and its subdomains. Moreover, as the concept SurfaceMeshTraits_3, it also provides predicates to test whether a query segment (or a ray, or a line) intersects the boundary of the domain or of the subdomains, and constructors to compute some intersection point if any. It also includes a method able to provide a small set of initial points on the boundary.

In the following we consider only proper intersection with the domain and subdomain boundaries. A segment, ray or line is said to intersect properly the domain boundary (resp. a subdomain boundary) if it includes points which are strictly inside and strictly outside the domain (resp. the subdomain).

Has Models:



See also


typedef unspecified_type R
 Geometric traits class. More...
typedef unspecified_type Point_3
 Point type.
typedef unspecified_type Segment_3
 Segment type.
typedef unspecified_type Ray_3
 Ray type.
typedef unspecified_type Line_3
 Line type.
typedef CGAL::Tag_false Has_features
 A type to distinguish MeshDomain_3 models from MeshDomainWithFeatures_3 models.
typedef unspecified_type Subdomain_index
 Type of indices for subdomains of the input domain. More...
typedef unspecified_type Surface_patch_index
 Type of indices for surface patches (boundaries and interfaces) of the input domain. More...
typedef unspecified_type Index
 Type of indices to be stored at mesh vertices to characterize the lowest dimensional face of the input complex on which the vertex lies. More...
typedef std::tuple< Point_3, Index, int > Intersection
 Returns type of Construct_intersection queries. More...
typedef unspecified_type Construct_initial_points
 A function object to construct a set of initial points on the surface of the domain. More...
typedef unspecified_type Is_in_domain
 A function object to query whether a point is in the input domain or not. More...
typedef unspecified_type Do_intersect_surface
 A function object which answers intersection queries between the surface patches of the domain and objects of type Segment_3, Ray_3 or Line_3. More...
typedef unspecified_type Construct_intersection
 A function object to construct the intersection between an object of type Segment_3, Ray_3 or Line_3 and an interface. More...

Bounding box

Since CGAL-4.8, a model of MeshDomain_3 must provide a function providing a bounding box of the domain.

Bbox_3 bbox () const
 Returns a bounding box of the domain.


The following functions give access to the function objects:

Construct_initial_points construct_initial_points_object ()
Is_in_domain is_in_domain_object ()
Do_intersect_surface do_intersect_surface_object ()
Construct_intersection construct_intersection_object ()

Index Conversion

These methods are designed to convert indices:

Index index_from_surface_patch_index (Surface_patch_index surface_patch_index)
 Returns the index to be stored at a vertex lying on the surface patch identified by surface_patch_index.
Index index_from_subdomain_index (Subdomain_index subdomain_index)
 Returns the index to be stored at a vertex lying in the subdomain identified by subdomain_index.
Surface_patch_index surface_patch_index (Index index)
 Returns the Surface_patch_index of the surface patch where lies a vertex with dimension 2 and index index.
Subdomain_index subdomain_index (Index index)
 Returns the index of the subdomain containing a vertex with dimension 3 and index index.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Construct_initial_points

A function object to construct a set of initial points on the surface of the domain.

Provides the following operators:

template<typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator operator()(OutputIterator pts)

template<typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator operator()(int n, OutputIterator pts)

Those two operators output a set of (n) surface points to the output iterator pts, as objects of type std::pair<Point_3, Index>. If n is not given, the functor must provide enough points to initialize the mesh generation process.

◆ Construct_intersection

A function object to construct the intersection between an object of type Segment_3, Ray_3 or Line_3 and an interface.

Provides the operators:

Intersection operator()(Segment_3 s)

Intersection operator()(Ray_3 r)

Intersection operator()(Line_3 l)

do_intersect_surface(s/r/l) == true

◆ Do_intersect_surface

A function object which answers intersection queries between the surface patches of the domain and objects of type Segment_3, Ray_3 or Line_3.

Provides the operators:

boost::optional<Surface_patch_index> operator()(Segment_3 s)

boost::optional<Surface_patch_index> operator()(Ray_3 r)

boost::optional<Surface_patch_index> operator()(Line_3 l)

The return type of the operators tell whether or not the query intersects a surface patch. In the positive case, it provides (through operator*()) the Surface_patch_index of one of the intersected surface patches.

◆ Index

Type of indices to be stored at mesh vertices to characterize the lowest dimensional face of the input complex on which the vertex lies.

Must be a model of CopyConstructible, Assignable, DefaultConstructible and EqualityComparable.

◆ Intersection

typedef std::tuple<Point_3, Index, int> MeshDomain_3::Intersection

Returns type of Construct_intersection queries.

int represents the dimension of the lower dimensional face of the input complex on which the intersection point lies and Index is the index of this face.

◆ Is_in_domain

A function object to query whether a point is in the input domain or not.

In the positive case, it outputs the subdomain which includes the query point. Provides the operator:

boost::optional<Subdomain_index> operator()(Point_3 p)

◆ R

Geometric traits class.

This type is defined to ensure compatibility with CGAL::Kernel_traits<T>.

◆ Subdomain_index

Type of indices for subdomains of the input domain.

Must be a model of CopyConstructible, Assignable, DefaultConstructible and EqualityComparable. The default constructed value must match the label of the exterior of the domain (which contains at least the unbounded component).

◆ Surface_patch_index

Type of indices for surface patches (boundaries and interfaces) of the input domain.

Must be a model of CopyConstructible, Assignable, DefaultConstructible and EqualityComparable. The default constructed value must be the index value assigned to a non surface facet.