CGAL 5.5.1 - 2D Snap Rounding
▼NCGAL | |
CSnap_rounding_traits_2 | The class Snap_rounding_traits_2<Kernel> is a model of the SnapRoundingTraits_2 concept, and is the only traits class supplied with the package |
▼NSRTraits_2 | |
CCompareX_2 | |
CCompareY_2 | |
CConstructIsoRectangle_2 | |
CConstructSegment_2 | |
CConstructVertex_2 | |
CIntegerGridPoint_2 | |
CIsoRectangle_2 | Represents an iso rectangle |
CMinkowskiSumWithPixel_2 | |
CSnap_2 | |
CSnapRoundingTraits_2 | The concept SnapRoundingTraits_2 lists the set of requirements that must be fulfilled by an instance of the Traits template-parameter of the free function CGAL::snap_rounding_2() CGAL::snap_rounding_2<Traits,InputIterator,OutputContainer>() . The list includes the nested types of the geometric primitives used in this class and some function object types for the required predicates on those primitives |