CGAL 5.5.5 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library

We extend the Boost Graph Library (BGL for short) with a set of new concepts.

In order to make this documentation self-contained we here also document concepts that are defined in the original version of the BGL. The documentation of the concepts lists at the same time the functions related to it. Models of the concept and their related functions must be in the same namespace (they will be found by Koenig lookup).



A type that is a model of a graph concept.
An object of type G.
u, v
Objects of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor.
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedge_descriptor.
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor.
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::face_descriptor.


The concept VertexListGraph refines the concept Graph and adds the requirement for traversal of all vertices in a graph.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_iterator Iterator over all vertices
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertices_size_type Unsigned integer type for number of vertices
Valid Expression Return Type Description
vertices(g) std::pair<vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator> An iterator range over all vertices
num_vertices(g) vertices_size_type An upper bound of the number of vertices of the graph


The concept EdgeListGraph refines the concept Graph and adds the requirement for traversal of all edges in a graph.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_iterator Iterator over all edges
boost::graph_traits<G>::edges_size_type Unsigned integer type for number of edges
Valid Expression Return Type Description
edges(g) std::pair<edge_iterator, edge_iterator> An iterator range over all edges
num_edges(g) edges_size_type An upper bound of the number of edges of the graph
source(e, g) vertex_descriptor The source vertex of e
target(e, g) vertex_descriptor The target vertex of e


The concept HalfedgeGraph refines the concept Graph and adds the notion of halfedges, where each edge corresponds to two opposite halfedges.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedge_descriptor A halfedge_descriptor corresponds to a halfedge in a graph. Must be DefaultConstructible, Assignable, EqualityComparable and LessThanComparable
Valid Expression Return Type Description
edge(h, g) edge_descriptor The edge corresponding to the halfedges h and opposite(h)
halfedge(e, g) halfedge_descriptor One of the halfedges corresponding to the edge e
halfedge(v, g) halfedge_descriptor A halfedge with target the vertex v
halfedge(u, v, g) std::pair<halfedge_descriptor, bool> The halfedge with source u and target v. The Boolean is true, iff this halfedge exists
opposite(h, g) halfedge_descriptor The halfedge with source and target swapped
source(h, g) vertex_descriptor The source vertex of h
target(h, g) vertex_descriptor The target vertex of h
next(h, g) halfedge_descriptor The next halfedge around its face
prev(h, g) halfedge_descriptor The previous halfedge around its face
boost::graph_traits<G>::null_halfedge() halfedge_descriptor Returns a special halfedge that is not equal to any other halfedge

The HalfedgeGraph has the invariant halfedge(edge(h,g))==h.


The concept MutableHalfedgeGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for operations to add vertices and edges, and to update the incidence information between vertices and halfedges.

Valid Expression Return Type Description
add_vertex(g) vertex_descriptor Adds a new vertex to the graph without initializing the connectivity
remove_vertex(v, g) void Removes the vertex v from the graph
add_edge(g) edge_descriptor Adds two opposite halfedges to the graph without initializing their connectivity
remove_edge(e, g) void Removes the two halfedges corresponding to the edge e from the graph
set_target(h, v, g) void Sets the target vertex of the halfedge h and the source of opposite(h) to the vertex v
set_halfedge(v, h, g) void Sets the halfedge of the vertex v to h. The target vertex of h must be v
set_next(h1, h2, g) void Sets the successor of h1 around a face to h2, and the prededecessor of h2 to h1


The concept HalfedgeListGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for traversal of all halfedges in the graph.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedge_iterator A BidirectionalIterator over all halfedges in a graph. Must be DefaultConstructible, Assignable, EqualityComparable
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedges_size_type Unsigned integer type for number of halfedges
Valid Expression Return Type Description
halfedges(g) std::pair<halfedge_iterator, halfedge_iterator> An iterator range over all halfedges
num_halfedges(g) halfedges_size_type An upper bound of the number of halfedges of the graph


The concept FaceGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph. It adds the requirements for a graph to explicitly maintain faces described by halfedges, to provide access from a face to an incident halfedge, and to provide access from a halfedge to its incident face.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::face_descriptor A face_descriptor corresponds to a unique face in a graph. Must be DefaultConstructible, Assignable, EqualityComparable and LessThanComparable
Valid Expression Return Type Description
face(h, g) face_descriptor The face incident to halfedge h
halfedge(f, g) halfedge_descriptor A halfedge incident to face f
degree(f, g) degree_size_type The number of halfedges incident to face f
boost::graph_traits<G>::null_face() face_descriptor A special face that is not equal to any other face


The concept MutableFaceGraph refines the concepts FaceGraph and MutableHalfedgeGraph and adds the requirement for operations to add faces and to modify face-halfedge relations.

Valid Expression Return Type Description
add_face(g) face_descriptor Adds a new face to the graph without initializing the connectivity
remove_face(f, g) void Removes f from the graph
set_face(h, f, g) void Sets the corresponding face of h to f
set_halfedge(f, h, g) void Sets the corresponding halfedge of f to h
reserve(g, nv, ne, nf) void Called to indicate the expected size of vertices (nv), edges (ed) and faces (nf)


The concept FaceListGraph refines the concept FaceGraph and adds the requirement for traversal of all faces in a graph.

Associated Type Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::face_iterator Iterator over all faces
boost::graph_traits<G>::faces_size_type Unsigned integer type for number of faces
Valid Expression Return Type Description
faces(g) std::pair<face_iterator, face_iterator> An iterator range over all faces
num_faces(g) faces_size_type An upper bound of the number of faces of the graph


 Concept from the Boost Graph Library. See More...
 The concept FaceGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph. It adds the requirements for a graph to explicitly maintain faces described by halfedges, to provide access from a face to an incident halfedge, and to provide access from a halfedge to its incident face. More...
 The concept FaceListGraph refines the concept FaceGraph and adds the requirement for traversal of all faces in a graph. More...
 The concept HalfedgeGraph is a refinement of the BGL concept IncidenceGraph and adds the notion of a halfedge: Each edge is associated with two opposite halfedges with source and target vertices swapped. Furthermore, halfedges have a successor and predecessor, and form cycles we call faces. However, this concept does not introduce a face type. A HalfedgeGraph is undirected and does not allow parallel edges. More...
 The concept HalfedgeListGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for traversal of all halfedges in the graph. More...
 The concept MutableFaceGraph refines the concepts FaceGraph and MutableHalfedgeGraph and adds the requirement for operations to add faces and to modify face-halfedge relations. More...
 The concept MutableHalfedgeGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph and adds the requirements for operations to add vertices and edges, and to update the incidence information between vertices and halfedges. More...
 Concept from the Boost Graph Library. See More...