CGAL 5.5.5 - Polygon Mesh Processing
PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor Concept Reference


The concept PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_polygon_soup() to track the detection of non-manifold simplices and the modifications performed to polygons during the orientation process.

Has Models:

Functions used to report non-manifold simplices.

void non_manifold_edge (std::size_t id1, std::size_t id2, std::size_t nb_polygons)
 called each time an edge appears in more than two polygons. More...
void non_manifold_vertex (std::size_t vid, std::size_t nb_link_ccs)
 called each time a non-manifold vertex is detected. More...
void link_connected_polygons (std::size_t vid, const std::vector< std::size_t > &polygon_ids)
 called during the detection of a non-manifold vertex, one time per incident edge connected component of vertices in the link of the vertex with id vid. More...

Functions used to report modifications done to the polygons.

void polygon_orientation_reversed (std::size_t id)
 called when the orientation of a polygon is not compatible with its neighbors and the polygon is reversed. More...
void duplicated_vertex (std::size_t input_id, std::size_t new_id)
 called for each non-manifold vertex (whether part of a non-manifold edge or not). More...
void vertex_id_in_polygon_replaced (std::size_t pid, std::size_t input_id, std::size_t new_id)
 called when the vertex with id input_id in polygon with id pid is replaced by the vertex with id new_id. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ duplicated_vertex()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::duplicated_vertex ( std::size_t  input_id,
std::size_t  new_id 

called for each non-manifold vertex (whether part of a non-manifold edge or not).

Non-manifoldness is resolved in the algorithm by duplicating the vertex. input_id is the index of the input vertex, and new_id is the index of the new vertex. Note that a vertex might be duplicated several times.

◆ link_connected_polygons()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::link_connected_polygons ( std::size_t  vid,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  polygon_ids 

called during the detection of a non-manifold vertex, one time per incident edge connected component of vertices in the link of the vertex with id vid.

id is the id of the vertex that is non-manifold. polygon_ids contains the ids of the polygon in such a connected component. This function is called a number of times exactly equal to the parameter nb_link_ccs for the same vertex in non_manifold_vertex(). Note that the aforementioned function is called after all the calls to this function are done.

◆ non_manifold_edge()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::non_manifold_edge ( std::size_t  id1,
std::size_t  id2,
std::size_t  nb_polygons 

called each time an edge appears in more than two polygons.

id1 and id2 are the vertex ids of the endpoints of the edge. nb_polygons indicates the number of polygons containing that edge.

◆ non_manifold_vertex()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::non_manifold_vertex ( std::size_t  vid,
std::size_t  nb_link_ccs 

called each time a non-manifold vertex is detected.

vid is the id of the vertex that is non-manifold. nb_link_ccs is the number of edge connected components of vertices in the link of the corresponding vertex.

◆ polygon_orientation_reversed()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::polygon_orientation_reversed ( std::size_t  id)

called when the orientation of a polygon is not compatible with its neighbors and the polygon is reversed.

id is the index of the polygon in the input polygon range.

◆ vertex_id_in_polygon_replaced()

void PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor::vertex_id_in_polygon_replaced ( std::size_t  pid,
std::size_t  input_id,
std::size_t  new_id 

called when the vertex with id input_id in polygon with id pid is replaced by the vertex with id new_id.

This function is called after all calls to duplicated_vertex().