CGAL 5.6.2 - Number Types
CGAL Namespace Reference




class  Aff_transformation_2
class  Aff_transformation_3
struct  Algebraic_kernel_for_circles_2_2
class  Algebraic_structure_traits
struct  Ambient_dimension
class  Bbox_2
class  Bbox_3
struct  Boolean_tag
struct  Cartesian
class  Cartesian_converter
struct  Cast_function_object
class  CC_safe_handle
class  Circle_2
class  Circle_3
class  Circular_arc_2
class  Circular_arc_point_2
struct  Circular_kernel_2
struct  Coercion_traits
struct  Compact
class  Compact_container
class  Compact_container_base
struct  Compact_container_traits
class  Compare_to_less
class  Concurrent_compact_container
struct  Concurrent_compact_container_traits
class  Const_oneset_iterator
struct  Construct_array
class  Counting_iterator
class  Creator_1
class  Creator_2
class  Creator_3
class  Creator_4
class  Creator_5
class  Creator_uniform_2
class  Creator_uniform_3
class  Creator_uniform_4
class  Creator_uniform_5
class  Creator_uniform_6
class  Creator_uniform_7
class  Creator_uniform_8
class  Creator_uniform_9
class  Creator_uniform_d
struct  Default
struct  Dereference
struct  Dimension_tag
class  Direction_2
class  Direction_3
class  Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator
class  Dispatch_output_iterator
struct  Dynamic_dimension_tag
struct  Emptyset_iterator
struct  Euclidean_ring_tag
class  Exact_circular_kernel_2
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_kth_root
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_root_of
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt
class  Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel
struct  Fast
struct  Feature_dimension
struct  Field_tag
struct  Field_with_kth_root_tag
struct  Field_with_root_of_tag
struct  Field_with_sqrt_tag
struct  Filter_iterator
struct  Filtered_kernel
struct  Filtered_kernel_adaptor
class  Filtered_predicate
class  Fourtuple
class  Fraction_traits
struct  Get_address
class  Gmpfi
 An object of the class Gmpfi is a closed interval, with endpoints represented as Gmpfr floating-point numbers. More...
class  Gmpfr
 An object of the class Gmpfr is a fixed precision floating-point number, based on the MPFR library. More...
class  Gmpq
 An object of the class Gmpq is an arbitrary precision rational number based on the GMP library. More...
class  Gmpz
 An object of the class Gmpz is an arbitrary precision integer based on the GMP Library. More...
class  Gmpzf
 An object of the class Gmpzf is a multiple-precision floating-point number which can represent numbers of the form \( m*2^e\), where \( m\) is an arbitrary precision integer based on the GMP library, and \( e\) is of type long. More...
struct  Homogeneous
class  Homogeneous_converter
struct  Identity
class  Identity_transformation
class  In_place_list
class  In_place_list_base
class  Insert_iterator
struct  Integral_domain_tag
struct  Integral_domain_without_division_tag
class  Interval_nt
 The class Interval_nt provides an interval arithmetic number type. More...
class  Inverse_index
class  Is_valid
 Not all values of a type need to be valid. More...
class  Iso_cuboid_3
class  Iso_rectangle_2
class  Iterator_range
class  Join_input_iterator_1
class  Join_input_iterator_2
class  Join_input_iterator_3
struct  Kernel_traits
class  Lazy_exact_nt
 An object of the class Lazy_exact_nt<NT> is able to represent any real embeddable number which NT is able to represent. More...
class  Line_2
class  Line_3
class  Line_arc_2
struct  Location_policy
struct  Max
 The function object class Max returns the larger of two values. More...
struct  Min
 The function object class Min returns the smaller of two values. More...
class  Modular_traits
class  MP_Float
 An object of the class MP_Float is able to represent a floating point value with arbitrary precision. More...
struct  Mpzf
 An object of the class Mpzf is a multiple-precision floating-point number which can represent numbers of the form \( m*2^e\), where \( m\) is an arbitrary precision integer based on the GMP library, and \( e\) is of type int. More...
class  Multiset
class  N_step_adaptor
struct  NT_converter
 A number type converter usable as default, for Cartesian_converter and Homogeneous_converter. More...
struct  Null_functor
struct  Null_tag
class  Null_vector
class  Number_type_checker
 Number_type_checker is a number type whose instances store two numbers of types NT1 and NT2. More...
class  Object
class  Oneset_iterator
class  Origin
struct  Parallel_if_available_tag
struct  Parallel_tag
class  Plane_3
class  Point_2
class  Point_3
class  Polynomial_1_2
class  Polynomial_for_circles_2_2
struct  Project_facet
struct  Project_next
struct  Project_next_opposite
struct  Project_normal
struct  Project_opposite_prev
struct  Project_plane
struct  Project_point
struct  Project_prev
struct  Project_vertex
class  Projection_traits_3
class  Projection_traits_xy_3
class  Projection_traits_xz_3
class  Projection_traits_yz_3
struct  Protect_FPU_rounding
 The class Protect_FPU_rounding allows to reduce the number of rounding mode changes when evaluating sequences of interval arithmetic operations. More...
class  Quadruple
class  Quotient
 An object of the class Quotient<NT> is an element of the field of quotients of the integral domain type NT. More...
class  Random_access_adaptor
class  Random_access_value_adaptor
class  Rational_traits
 The class Rational_traits can be used to determine the type of the numerator and denominator of a rational number type as Quotient, Gmpq, mpq_class or leda_rational. More...
class  Ray_2
class  Ray_3
class  Real_embeddable_traits
class  Reflection
class  Residue
class  Root_for_circles_2_2
struct  Root_of_traits
 For a RealEmbeddable IntegralDomain RT, the class template Root_of_traits<RT> associates a type Root_of_2, which represents algebraic numbers of degree 2 over RT. More...
class  Rotation
class  Scaling
class  Segment_2
class  Segment_3
struct  Sequential_tag
class  Set_ieee_double_precision
 The class Set_ieee_double_precision provides a mechanism to set the correct 53 bits precision for a block of code. More...
struct  Simple_cartesian
struct  Simple_homogeneous
class  Sixtuple
class  Spatial_lock_grid_3
class  Sphere_3
class  Sqrt_extension
 An instance of this class represents an extension of the type NT by one square root of the type Root. More...
class  Tetrahedron_3
class  Threetuple
class  Translation
class  Triangle_2
class  Triangle_3
class  Triple
class  Twotuple
class  Uncertain
struct  Unique_factorization_domain_tag
struct  value_type_traits
struct  value_type_traits< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  value_type_traits< std::front_insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  value_type_traits< std::insert_iterator< Container > >
class  Vector_2
class  Vector_3
class  Weighted_point_2
class  Weighted_point_3


typedef Location_policy< CompactCompact_location
typedef Location_policy< FastFast_location
typedef CGAL::Boolean_tag< false > Tag_false
typedef CGAL::Boolean_tag< true > Tag_true
typedef void(* Failure_function) (const char *type, const char *expression, const char *file, int line, const char *explanation)
typedef Sign Orientation
typedef Interval_nt< false > Interval_nt_advanced
 This typedef (at namespace CGAL scope) exists for backward compatibility, as well as removing the need to remember the Boolean value for the template parameter.
typedef unspecified_type Exact_integer
 Exact_integer is an exact integer number type. More...
typedef unspecified_type Exact_rational
 Exact_rational is an exact rational number type, constructible from double. More...


enum  Failure_behaviour
enum  Angle
enum  Bounded_side
enum  Comparison_result
enum  Sign
enum  Oriented_side
enum  Box_parameter_space_2


std::string data_file_path (const std::string &filename)
std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIteratormin_max_element (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)
std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIteratormin_max_element (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, CompareMin comp_min, CompareMax comp_max)
std::array< T, N > make_array (const T &...)
CC_safe_handle< CC_iterator > make_cc_safe_handle (CC_iterator iterator)
Compare_to_less< F > compare_to_less (const F &f)
Iterator_range< T > make_range (const T &b, const T &e)
range_begin (Iterator_range< T > &x)
range_end (Iterator_range< T > &x)
range_begin (const Iterator_range< T > &x)
range_end (const Iterator_range< T > &x)
Failure_function set_error_handler (Failure_function handler)
Failure_function set_warning_handler (Failure_function handler)
Failure_behaviour set_error_behaviour (Failure_behaviour eb)
Failure_behaviour set_warning_behaviour (Failure_behaviour eb)
NT abs (const NT &x)
result_type compare (const NT &x, const NT &y)
result_type div (const NT1 &x, const NT2 &y)
void div_mod (const NT1 &x, const NT2 &y, result_type &q, result_type &r)
result_type gcd (const NT1 &x, const NT2 &y)
result_type integral_division (const NT1 &x, const NT2 &y)
NT inverse (const NT &x)
result_type is_negative (const NT &x)
result_type is_one (const NT &x)
result_type is_positive (const NT &x)
result_type is_square (const NT &x)
result_type is_square (const NT &x, NT &y)
result_type is_zero (const NT &x)
NT kth_root (int k, const NT &x)
result_type mod (const NT1 &x, const NT2 &y)
NT root_of (int k, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
result_type sign (const NT &x)
void simplify (const NT &x)
NT sqrt (const NT &x)
NT square (const NT &x)
double to_double (const NT &x)
std::pair< double, double > to_interval (const NT &x)
NT unit_part (const NT &x)
bool has_in_x_range (const Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca, const Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p)
bool has_in_x_range (const Line_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca, const Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p)
bool has_on (const Circle_2< CircularKernel > &c, const Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p)
OutputIterator make_x_monotone (const Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca, OutputIterator res)
OutputIterator make_xy_monotone (const Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca, OutputIterator res)
Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernelx_extremal_point (const Circle_2< CircularKernel > &c, bool b)
OutputIterator x_extremal_points (const Circle_2< CircularKernel > &c, OutputIterator res)
Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernely_extremal_point (const Circle_2< CircularKernel > &c, bool b)
OutputIterator y_extremal_points (const Circle_2< CircularKernel > &c, OutputIterator res)
CGAL::Comparison_result compare_y_to_right (const Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca1, const Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &ca2, Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p)
enum_cast (const U &u)
Oriented_side opposite (const Oriented_side &o)
Bounded_side opposite (const Bounded_side &o)
bool do_intersect (Type1< Kernel > obj1, Type2< Kernel > obj2)
bool do_intersect (Plane_3< Kernel > obj1, Plane_3< Kernel > obj2, Plane_3< Kernel > obj3)
decltype(auto) intersection (Type1< Kernel > obj1, Type2< Kernel > obj2)
decltype(auto) intersection (const Plane_3< Kernel > &pl1, const Plane_3< Kernel > &pl2, const Plane_3< Kernel > &pl3)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &v)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Angle angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v)
Kernel::FT approximate_angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Kernel::FT approximate_angle (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v)
Kernel::FT approximate_dihedral_angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Kernel::FT area (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool are_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool are_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool are_strictly_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool are_strictly_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p3)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p4)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p4, const Kernel::FT &w4)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p3)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p4)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelbarycenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const Kernel::FT &w1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const Kernel::FT &w2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p3, const Kernel::FT &w3, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p4, const Kernel::FT &w4)
CGAL::Line_2< Kernelbisector (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Line_2< Kernelbisector (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2)
CGAL::Plane_3< Kernelbisector (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Plane_3< Kernelbisector (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h2)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Triangle_2< Kernel > &t)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Triangle_3< Kernel > &t)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcentroid (const CGAL::Tetrahedron_3< Kernel > &t)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Triangle_2< Kernel > &t)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Triangle_3< Kernel > &t)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelcircumcenter (const CGAL::Tetrahedron_3< Kernel > &t)
bool collinear_are_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool collinear_are_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool collinear (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool collinear (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Comparison_result compare_angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &a, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &b, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &c, const Kernel::FT &cosine)
Comparison_result compare_dihedral_angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &a1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &b1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &c1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &d1, const Kernel::FT &cosine)
Comparison_result compare_dihedral_angle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &a1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &b1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &c1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &d1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &a2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &b2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &c2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &d2)
Comparison_result compare_dihedral_angle (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u1, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v1, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &w1, const Kernel::FT &cosine)
Comparison_result compare_dihedral_angle (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u1, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v1, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &w1, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u2, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v2, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &w2)
Comparison_result compare_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
Comparison_result compare_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Comparison_result compare_lexicographically (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_lexicographically (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s)
Comparison_result compare_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
Comparison_result compare_slope (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2)
Comparison_result compare_slope (const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s1, const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s2)
Comparison_result compare_slope (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s1s, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s1t, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s2s, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s2t)
Comparison_result compare_slope (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Comparison_result compare_squared_distance (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const typename Kernel::FT &d2)
Comparison_result compare_squared_distance (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const typename Kernel::FT &d2)
Comparison_result compare_squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const typename Kernel::FT &sr)
Comparison_result compare_squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const typename Kernel::FT &sr)
Comparison_result compare_squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const typename Kernel::FT &sr)
Comparison_result compare_squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const typename Kernel::FT &sr)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xy (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_x_at_y (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h)
Comparison_result compare_x_at_y (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_x_at_y (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h)
Comparison_result compare_x_at_y (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s1, const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s2)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &h2)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< CircularKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_y (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xyz (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xyz (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_xyz (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_z (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_z (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_z (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_3< SphericalKernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< SphericalKernel > &q)
Comparison_result compare_yx (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool coplanar (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Orientation coplanar_orientation (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Orientation coplanar_orientation (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Bounded_side coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Vector_3< Kernelcross_product (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v)
Kernel::FT determinant (const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &v, const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &w)
Kernel::FT determinant (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &w)
CGAL::Line_3< Kernelequidistant_line (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool has_larger_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool has_larger_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool has_larger_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool has_larger_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s)
bool has_larger_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool has_larger_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
bool has_smaller_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool has_smaller_distance_to_point (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool has_smaller_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool has_smaller_signed_distance_to_line (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &s)
bool has_smaller_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool has_smaller_signed_distance_to_plane (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
Kernel::FT l_infinity_distance (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
Kernel::FT l_infinity_distance (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool left_turn (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
bool lexicographically_xy_larger (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool lexicographically_xy_larger_or_equal (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool lexicographically_xy_smaller (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool lexicographically_xy_smaller_or_equal (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool lexicographically_xyz_smaller (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool lexicographically_xyz_smaller_or_equal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelmax_vertex (const CGAL::Iso_rectangle_2< Kernel > &ir)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelmax_vertex (const CGAL::Iso_cuboid_3< Kernel > &ic)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelmidpoint (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelmidpoint (const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelmidpoint (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelmidpoint (const CGAL::Segment_3< Kernel > &s)
CGAL::Point_2< Kernelmin_vertex (const CGAL::Iso_rectangle_2< Kernel > &ir)
CGAL::Point_3< Kernelmin_vertex (const CGAL::Iso_cuboid_3< Kernel > &ic)
CGAL::Vector_3< Kernelnormal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Orientation orientation (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
Orientation orientation (const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &v)
Orientation orientation (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
Orientation orientation (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &w)
CGAL::Vector_3< Kernelorthogonal_vector (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &p)
CGAL::Vector_3< Kernelorthogonal_vector (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_2< Kernel > &l2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Ray_2< Kernel > &r1, const CGAL::Ray_2< Kernel > &r2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s1, const CGAL::Segment_2< Kernel > &s2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Line_3< Kernel > &l1, const CGAL::Line_3< Kernel > &l2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h1, const CGAL::Plane_3< Kernel > &h2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Ray_3< Kernel > &r1, const CGAL::Ray_3< Kernel > &r2)
bool parallel (const CGAL::Segment_3< Kernel > &s1, const CGAL::Segment_3< Kernel > &s2)
CGAL::Plane_3< Kernelradical_plane (const CGAL::Sphere_3< Kernel > &s1, const CGAL::Sphere_3< Kernel > &s2)
CGAL::Line_2< Kernelradical_line (const CGAL::Circle_2< Kernel > &c1, const CGAL::Circle_2< Kernel > &c2)
bool right_turn (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
Kernel::FT scalar_product (const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_2< Kernel > &v)
Kernel::FT scalar_product (const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &u, const CGAL::Vector_3< Kernel > &v)
Bounded_side side_of_bounded_circle (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &t)
Bounded_side side_of_bounded_circle (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &t)
Bounded_side side_of_bounded_sphere (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
Bounded_side side_of_bounded_sphere (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
Bounded_side side_of_bounded_sphere (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &t)
Oriented_side side_of_oriented_circle (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &test)
Oriented_side side_of_oriented_sphere (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &test)
Kernel::FT squared_area (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &r)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &s)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
FT squared_radius (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p)
CGAL::Vector_3< Kernelunit_normal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &r)
Kernel::FT volume (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p0, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p1, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p2, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p3)
bool x_equal (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool x_equal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool y_equal (const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_2< Kernel > &q)
bool y_equal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
bool z_equal (const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &p, const CGAL::Point_3< Kernel > &q)
void rational_rotation_approximation (const RingNumberType &dirx, const RingNumberType &diry, RingNumberType &sin_num, RingNumberType &cos_num, RingNumberType &denom, const RingNumberType &eps_num, const RingNumberType &eps_den)
Kernel::FT squared_distance (Type1< Kernel > obj1, Type2< Kernel > obj2)
Point_2< Homogeneous< RT > > cartesian_to_homogeneous (const Point_2< Cartesian< RT > > &cp)
Point_3< Homogeneous< RT > > cartesian_to_homogeneous (const Point_3< Cartesian< RT > > &cp)
Point_2< Cartesian< FT > > homogeneous_to_cartesian (const Point_2< Homogeneous< FT > > &hp)
Point_3< Cartesian< FT > > homogeneous_to_cartesian (const Point_3< Homogeneous< FT > > &hp)
Point_2< Cartesian< Quotient< RT > > > homogeneous_to_quotient_cartesian (const Point_2< Homogeneous< RT > > &hp)
Point_3< Cartesian< Quotient< RT > > > homogeneous_to_quotient_cartesian (const Point_3< Homogeneous< RT > > &hp)
Point_2< Homogeneous< RT > > quotient_cartesian_to_homogeneous (const Point_2< Cartesian< Quotient< RT > > > &cp)
Point_3< Homogeneous< RT > > quotient_cartesian_to_homogeneous (const Point_3< Cartesian< Quotient< RT > > > &cp)
bool do_intersect (Type1< CircularKernel > obj1, Type2< CircularKernel > obj2)
OutputIterator intersection (const Type1 &obj1, const Type2 &obj2, OutputIterator intersections)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Circular_arc_2< CircularKernel > &a)
Comparison_result compare_y_at_x (const CGAL::Circular_arc_point_2< CircularKernel > &p, const CGAL::Line_arc_2< CircularKernel > &a)
bool do_intersect (Type1< SphericalKernel > obj1, Type2< SphericalKernel > obj2)
bool do_intersect (Type1< SphericalKernel > obj1, Type2< SphericalKernel > obj2, Type3< SphericalKernel > obj3)
OutputIterator intersection (const SphericalType1 &obj1, const SphericalType2 &obj2, OutputIterator intersections)
OutputIterator intersection (const Type1 &obj1, const Type2 &obj2, const Type3 &obj3, OutputIterator intersections)
bool is_finite (double x)
 Determines whether the argument represents a value in \( \mathbb{R}\).
bool is_finite (float x)
 Determines whether the argument represents a value in \( \mathbb{R}\).
bool is_finite (long double x)
 Determines whether the argument represents a value in \( \mathbb{R}\).
template<typename RT , typename OutputIterator >
OutputIterator compute_roots_of_2 (const RT &a, const RT &b, const RT &c, OutputIterator oit)
 The function compute_roots_of_2() solves a univariate polynomial as it is defined by the coefficients given to the function. More...
template<typename RT >
Root_of_traits< RT >::Root_of_2 make_root_of_2 (const RT &a, const RT &b, const RT &c, bool s)
 The function make_root_of_2() constructs an algebraic number of degree 2 over a ring number type. More...
template<typename RT >
Root_of_traits< RT >::Root_of_2 make_root_of_2 (RT alpha, RT beta, RT gamma)
 The function make_root_of_2() constructs an algebraic number of degree 2 over a ring number type. More...
template<typename RT >
Root_of_traits< RT >::Root_of_2 make_sqrt (const RT &x)
 The function make_sqrt() constructs a square root of a given value of type RT. More...
template<typename Rational >
Rational simplest_rational_in_interval (double d1, double d2)
 computes the rational number with the smallest denominator in the interval [d1,d2]. More...
template<typename Rational >
Rational to_rational (double d)
 computes the rational number that equals d. More...
template<typename T >
bool is_valid (const T &x)
 Not all values of a type need to be valid. More...
template<typename T >
max (const T &x, const T &y)
 Returns the larger of two values. More...
template<typename T >
min (const T &x, const T &y)
 Returns the smaller of two values. More...


const CGAL::Orientation CLOCKWISE
const CGAL::Orientation COLLINEAR
const CGAL::Orientation LEFT_TURN
const CGAL::Orientation RIGHT_TURN
const CGAL::Orientation COPLANAR
const CGAL::Orientation DEGENERATE
const CGAL::Null_vector NULL_VECTOR
const CGAL::Origin ORIGIN