▼NCGAL | |
CAff_transformation_d | An instance of the data type Aff_transformation_d<Kernel> is an affine transformation of \( d\)-dimensional space |
CCartesian_d | A model for Kernel_d (and even KernelWithLifting_d ) that uses Cartesian coordinates to represent the geometric objects |
CDirection_d | A Direction_d is a vector in the \( d\)-dimensional vector space where we forget about its length |
▼CEpeck_d | A model for Kernel_d , minus Kernel_d::Point_of_sphere_d , that uses Cartesian coordinates to represent the geometric objects |
CCompute_power_product_d | |
CCompute_squared_radius_d | |
CCompute_squared_radius_smallest_orthogonal_sphere_d | |
CConstruct_circumcenter_d | |
CConstruct_power_sphere_d | |
CPoint_d | Point in the Euclidean space |
CPower_side_of_bounded_power_sphere_d | |
CSide_of_bounded_sphere_d | |
CWeighted_point_d | Weighted point in the Euclidean space |
▼CEpick_d | A model for Kernel_d that uses Cartesian coordinates to represent the geometric objects |
CCompute_power_product_d | |
CCompute_squared_radius_d | |
CCompute_squared_radius_smallest_orthogonal_sphere_d | |
CConstruct_circumcenter_d | |
CConstruct_power_sphere_d | |
CPoint_d | Point in the Euclidean space |
CPower_side_of_bounded_power_sphere_d | |
CSide_of_bounded_sphere_d | |
CWeighted_point_d | Weighted point in the Euclidean space |
CHomogeneous_d | A model for a Kernel_d (and even KernelWithLifting_d ) using homogeneous coordinates to represent the geometric objects |
CHyperplane_d | An instance of data type Hyperplane_d is an oriented hyperplane in \( d\) - dimensional space |
CIso_box_d | An object \( b\) of the data type Iso_box_d is an iso-box in the Euclidean space \( \E^d\) with edges parallel to the axes of the coordinate system |
CLine_d | An instance of data type Line_d is an oriented line in \( d\)-dimensional Euclidean space |
CLinear_algebraCd | The class Linear_algebraCd serves as the default traits class for the LA parameter of CGAL::Cartesian_d<FT,LA> |
CLinear_algebraHd | The class Linear_algebraHd serves as the default traits class for the LA parameter of CGAL::Homogeneous_d<RT,LA> |
CPoint_d | An instance of data type Point_d<Kernel> is a point of Euclidean space in dimension \( d\) |
CRay_d | An instance of data type Ray_d is a ray in \( d\)-dimensional Euclidean space |
CSegment_d | An instance \( s\) of the data type Segment_d is a directed straight line segment in \( d\)-dimensional Euclidean space connecting two points \( p\) and \( q\) |
CSphere_d | An instance \( S\) of the data type Sphere_d is an oriented sphere in some \( d\)-dimensional space |
CVector_d | An instance of data type Vector_d<Kernel> is a vector of Euclidean space in dimension \( d\) |
▼CKernel_d | The concept of a kernel is defined by a set of requirements on the provision of certain types and access member functions to create objects of these types. The types are function object classes to be used within the algorithms and data structures in the basic library of CGAL. This allows you to use any model of a kernel as a traits class in the CGAL algorithms and data structures, unless they require types beyond those provided by a kernel |
CAffine_rank_d | |
CAffinely_independent_d | |
CCartesianConstIterator_d | A type representing an iterator to the Cartesian coordinates of a point in d dimensions |
CCenter_of_sphere_d | |
CCompare_lexicographically_d | |
CComponent_accessor_d | |
CCompute_coordinate_d | |
CConstruct_max_vertex_d | |
CConstruct_min_vertex_d | |
CConstructCartesianConstIterator_d | |
CContained_in_affine_hull_d | |
CContained_in_linear_hull_d | |
CContained_in_simplex_d | |
CEqual_d | |
CHas_on_positive_side_d | |
CIntersect_d | |
CLess_coordinate_d | |
CLess_lexicographically_d | |
CLess_or_equal_lexicographically_d | |
CLinear_base_d | |
CLinear_rank_d | |
CLinearly_independent_d | |
CMidpoint_d | |
COrientation_d | |
COriented_side_d | |
COrthogonal_vector_d | |
CPoint_dimension_d | |
CPoint_of_sphere_d | |
CPoint_to_vector_d | |
CSide_of_bounded_sphere_d | |
CSide_of_oriented_sphere_d | |
CSquared_distance_d | |
CValue_at_d | |
CVector_to_point_d | |
▼CKernelWithLifting_d | The concept of a kernel with lifting is a small refinement of the general kernel concept. It adds 2 functors, the meaning of which would be unclear in kernels of fixed dimension |
CLift_to_paraboloid_d | |
CProject_along_d_axis_d | |
CLinearAlgebraTraits_d | The data type LinearAlgebraTraits_d encapsulates two classes Matrix , Vector and many functions of basic linear algebra. An instance of data type Matrix is a matrix of variables of type NT . Accordingly, Vector implements vectors of variables of type NT . Most functions of linear algebra are checkable, i.e., the programs can be asked for a proof that their output is correct. For example, if the linear system solver declares a linear system \( A x = b\) unsolvable it also returns a vector \( c\) such that \( c^T A = 0\) and \( c^T b \neq 0\) |
CMatrix | An instance of data type Matrix is a matrix of variables of number type NT . The types Matrix and Vector together realize many functions of basic linear algebra |
CVector | An instance of data type Vector is a vector of variables of number type NT . Together with the type Matrix it realizes the basic operations of linear algebra |