

The function write_pm sends an object of the template parameter type Planar_map to an output stream. The function is intended for cases where the writer object is not the default one, i.e. for user defined writer classes which aim at writing planar maps with additional information or aim at special format. For a default use simply use the insertor operator (<<) of the output stream as in cout << pm.

Reading is done using the read method of Planar_map_2<Dcel,Traits>.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_pm.h>

template <Planar_map, Writer>
void write_pm ( Planar_map pm, Writer& writer, ostream& o)
The function sends a planar map object to an output stream. The function uses the methods defined within the Writer class, and prints pm which is instance of Planar_map in the format discussed in . The printing is done by sending the planar map object to the output stream o.


  1. Planar_map should be of type Planar_map_2<Dcel,Traits>.
  2. Writer should be of type Pm_file_writer<Planar_map>.

  3. The output stream should support the insertor operator (<<) for the following types

See Also
