

An object e of the class Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel>::Face represents an arrangement edge, namely a 2-dimensional arrangement cell. Every arrangement contains exactly one unbounded face, an a number of bounded face. Each bounded face has a boundary comprised of a halfedge chain winding in a counterclockwise orientation around it. A face may also contain holes, which are defined by clockwise-oriented halfedge chains, and isolated vertices.

Inherits From

typename Dcel::Face


Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel>::Face f;
default constructor.

Access Functions

All non-const methods listed below also have const counterparts that return constant handles, iterators or circulators:

bool f.is_unbounded () returns whether the face is unbounded.

f.outer_ccb () returns a circulator that allows going over the outer boundary of f. The edges along the CCB are traversed in a counterclockwise direction.
Precondition: f is not an unbounded face.

Hole_iterator f.holes_begin () returns an iterator for traversing all the holes (inner CCBs) of f.
Hole_iterator f.holes_end () returns a past-the-end iterator for the holes of f.

f.isolated_vertices_begin ()
returns an iterator for traversing all the isolated vertices contained in the interior of f.
f.isolated_vertices_end ()
returns a past-the-end iterator for the isolated vertices contained inside f.