

An object v of the class Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel>::Vertex represents an arrangement vertex, that is - a 0-dimensional cell, associated with a point on the plane.

Inherits From

typename Dcel::Vertex


Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel>::Vertex v;
default constructor.

Access Functions

All non-const methods listed below also have const counterparts that return constant handles, iterators or circulators:

bool v.is_isolated () checks whether the vertex is isolated. (It has no incident edges.)

typename Dcel::Size () returns the number of edges incident to v.

v.incident_halfedges ()
returns a circulator circulator that allows going over the halfedges incident to v (that have v as their target). The edges are traversed in a clockwise direction around v.
Precondition: v is not an isolated vertex.

Face_handle v.face () returns a handle to the face that contains v in its interior.
Precondition: v is an isolated vertex.

typename Traits::Point_2
v.point () returns the point associated with the vertex.