The landmark-traits concept refines the basic traits concept by adding operations needed for the landmarks point-location strategy, namely - approximating points and connecting points with a simple -monotone curve.
A model of this concept must define the Approximate_number_type, which is used to approximate the coordinates of Point_2 instances. It is recommended to define the approximated number type as the built-in double type.
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the number type used
to approximate point coordinates.
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provides the operator : Approximate_number_type operator() (Point_2 p, int i) which returns an approximation of p's -coordinate (if i == 0), or of p's -coordinate (if i == 1).
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provides the operator : X_monotone_curve_2 operator() (Point_2 p1, Point_2 p2) returns an -monotone curve connecting p1 and p2 (i.e., the two input points are its endpoints).
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default constructor.
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copy constructor.
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| assignment operator. |
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