
An object fo of this type must provide:

fo ( SphericalKernel::Circular_arc_3 a0 ,
SphericalKernel::Circular_arc_3 a1 ,
SphericalKernel::Circular_arc_point_3 p )
Compares the z-coordinates of the intersection points of both arcs with a meridian anchored at the poles of the context sphere used by the function SphericalKernel::compare_z_to_right_3_object, at a -coordinate infinitesimally greater that the -coordinate of point p.
Precondition:  a0 and a1 lie on the context sphere used by the function SphericalKernel::compare_z_to_right_3_object, a0 and a1 are -monotone, p lies on a0 and a1 and is not a -extremal point of the supporting circle of a0 or a1.

See Also
