

An instance of data type Matrix is a matrix of variables of number type NT. The types Matrix and Vector together realize many functions of basic linear algebra.


the ring type of the components.

bidirectional iterator for accessing all components row-wise.

random access iterator for accessing row entries.

random access iterator for accessing column entries.

There also constant versions of the above iterators: const_iterator, row_const_iterator, and column_const_iterator.

a tag class for identity initialization

the vector type used.


Matrix M;
creates an instance M of type Matrix.

Matrix M ( int n);
creates an instance M of type Matrix of dimension n × n initialized to the zero matrix.

Matrix M ( int m, int n);
creates an instance M of type Matrix of dimension m × n initialized to the zero matrix.

Matrix M ( std::pair<int,int> p);
creates an instance M of type Matrix of dimension p.first × p.second initialized to the zero matrix.

Matrix M ( int n, Identity, NT x = NT(1));
creates an instance M of type Matrix of dimension n × n initialized to the identity matrix (times x).

Matrix M ( int m, int n, NT x);
creates an instance M of type Matrix of dimension m × n initialized to the matrix with x entries.

template <class Forward_iterator>
Matrix M ( Forward_iterator first, Forward_iterator last);
creates an instance M of type Matrix. Let S be the ordered set of n column-vectors of common dimension m as given by the iterator range [first,last). M is initialized to an m × n matrix with the columns as specified by S.
Precondition: Forward_iterator has a value type V from which we require to provide a iterator type V::const_iterator, to have V::value_type == NT.
Note that Vector or std::vector<NT> fulfill these requirements.

Matrix M ( std::vector< Vector > A);
creates an instance M of type Matrix. Let A be an array of n column-vectors of common dimension m. M is initialized to an m × n matrix with the columns as specified by A.


int M.row_dimension () returns n, the number of rows of M.

int M.column_dimension () returns m, the number of columns of M.

std::pair<int,int> M.dimension () returns (m,n), the dimension pair of M.

Vector M.row ( int i) returns the i-th row of M (an m - vector).
Precondition: 0 i m - 1.

Vector M.column ( int i) returns the i-th column of M (an n - vector).
Precondition: 0 i n - 1.

NT& M ( int i , int j ) returns Mi,j.
Precondition: 0 i m-1 and 0 j n-1.

void M.swap_rows ( int i, int j) swaps rows i and j.
Precondition: 0 i m-1 and 0 j m-1.

void M.swap_columns ( int i, int j) swaps columns i and j.
Precondition: 0 i n-1 and 0 j n-1.

row_iterator M.row_begin ( int i) an iterator pointing to the first entry of the ith row.
Precondition: 0 i m-1.

row_iterator M.row_end ( int i) an iterator pointing beyond the last entry of the ith row.
Precondition: 0 i m-1.

column_iterator M.column_begin ( int i) an iterator pointing to the first entry of the ith column.
Precondition: 0 i n-1.

column_iterator M.column_end ( int i) an iterator pointing beyond the last entry of the ith column.
Precondition: 0 i n-1.

iterator M.begin () an iterator pointing to the first entry of M.

terator M.end () an iterator pointing beyond the last entry of M.

The same operations exist for row_const_iterator, column_const_iterator and const_iterator.

bool M == M1 Test for equality.

bool M != M1 Test for inequality.

Arithmetic Operators

Matrix M + M1 Addition.
M.row_dimension() == M1.row_dimension() and
M.column_dimension() == M1.column_dimension().

Matrix M - M1 Subtraction.
M.row_dimension() == M1.row_dimension() and
M.column_dimension() == M1.column_dimension().

Matrix - M Negation.

Matrix M * M1 Multiplication.
M.column_dimension() = M1.row_dimension().

Vector M * Vector vec Multiplication with vector.
M.column_dimension() = vec.dimension().

Matrix NT x * M Multiplication of every entry with x.

Matrix M * NT x Multiplication of every entry with x.