

A stencil determines a source neighborhood whose points contribute to the position of a refined point. The geometry mask of a stencil specifies the computation on the nodes of the stencil. DooSabin_mask_3<Polyhedron_3> implements the geometry masks of Doo-Sabin subdivision on a Polyhedron_3<Cartesian>.

#include <CGAL/Subdivision_mask_3.h>


The full template declaration of DooSabin_mask_3<Polyhedron_3> states one template parameter:

template < class Polyhedron_3> class DooSabin_mask_3;

The only parameter requires a Polyhedron_3 as the argument. The Polyhedron_3 should be specialized with the Cartesian kernel, which defines the Point_3 for the vertices.


DooSabin_mask_3<Polyhedron_3> DS;
default constructor.

Stencil functions

void DS.corner_node ( Halfedge_handle he, Point_3& pt)
computes the Doo-Sabin point pt of the vertex pointed by the halfedge he.

DQQ corner stencil

See Also
