

The concept CellAttribute represents a non void attribute associated with a cell of a combinatorial map. It can keep a handle to one dart of its associated cell, and can contain any information.


Dart handle type.

Dart const handle type.

Type of the information contained in the attribute. If void, the cell attribute does not have any information.

Equals to Tag_true to enable the storage of a Dart_handle of the associated cell, Tag_false otherwise.

Functor called before merging two attributes. Must be a model of the Binary Function concept having two references to a model of CellAttribute as type of both arguments and void as return type.

Functor called after an attribute was split in two. Must be a model of the Binary Function concept having two references to a model of CellAttribute as type of both arguments and void as return type.


CellAttribute ca;

CellAttribute ca ( Info info);
Constructor initializing the information of ca by the copy contructor Info(info). Defined only if Info is different from void.

Access Member Functions

Dart_handle ca.dart () Returns one dart of the cell associated to attribute ca. NULL if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_false.
Dart_const_handle ca.dart () const Returns one dart of the cell associated to attribute ca, when ca is const. NULL if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_false.

void ca.set_dart ( Dart_handle ahandle)
Sets the dart of the cell associated to attribute ca to ahandle, if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_true. Otherwise, this method does nothing.
Precondition: ahandle belongs to the cell associated to ca.

Info& ca.info () Returns the information of ca. Defined only if Info is different from void.

Info ca.info () const Returns the information of ca, when ca is const. Defined only if Info is different from void.

Has Models


See Also
