The concept CellAttribute represents a non void attribute associated with a cell of a combinatorial map. It can keep a handle to one dart of its associated cell, and can contain any information.
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Dart handle type.
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Dart const handle type.
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Type of the information contained in the attribute.
If void, the cell attribute does not have any information.
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Equals to Tag_true to enable the storage of a
Dart_handle of the associated cell, Tag_false otherwise.
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Functor called before merging two attributes. Must be
a model of the Binary Function concept having two references
to a model of CellAttribute as type of both arguments and void as
return type.
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Functor called after an attribute was split in two.
Must be a model of the Binary Function concept having two references
to a model of CellAttribute as type of both arguments and void as
return type.
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Constructor initializing the information of ca by the
copy contructor Info(info).
Defined only if Info is different from void.
| Returns one dart of the cell associated to attribute ca. NULL if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_false. | ||
| Returns one dart of the cell associated to attribute ca, when ca is const. NULL if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_false. | ||
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Sets the dart of the cell associated to attribute ca to ahandle,
if Supports_cell_dart is equal to Tag_true.
Otherwise, this method does nothing.
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| Returns the information of ca. Defined only if Info is different from void. | ||
| Returns the information of ca, when ca is const. Defined only if Info is different from void. |