

The concept CombinatorialMap defines a d-dimensional combinatorial map.


CombinatorialMap cm;
Default constructor.


Dart type, a model of the Dart concept.

Dart handle type, equal to Dart::Dart_handle.

Dart const handle type, equal to Dart::Dart_const_handle.

Size type (an unsigned integral type).


static unsigned int dimension; The dimension d of cm, equal to Dart::dimension.
static size_type NB_MARKS; The number of available Boolean marks of cm.
static Dart_handle null_dart_handle; The null dart handle constant: a dart d0 is i-free if d0.beta(i)==null_dart_handle. Note that *null_dart_handlecm.darts().

Types for attributes

The tuple of attributes, containing at most dimension+1 types (one for each possible cell of the combinatorial map). Each type of the tuple must be either a model of the CellAttribute concept or void. The first type corresponds to 0-attributes, the second to 1-attributes and so on. If the ith type in the tuple is void, (i-1)-attributes are disabled. Otherwise, (i-1)-attributes are enabled and have the given type. If the size of the tuple is k, with k<dimension+1, ∀i: kidimension, i-attributes are disabled.

template<unsigned int i>
CombinatorialMap:: Attribute_type<i>::type
Type of i-attributes, a model of CellAttribute concept. Attribute_type<i>::type::Dart_handle is equal to Dart_handle, and Attribute_type<i>::type::Dart_const_handle is equal to Dart_const_handle.
Precondition: 0≤idimension and i-attributes are non void.

template<unsigned int i>
CombinatorialMap:: Attribute_handle<i>::type
Handle to i-attributes, equal to Dart::Attribute_handle<i>::type.
Precondition: 0≤idimension and i-attributes are non void.

template<unsigned int i>
CombinatorialMap:: Attribute_const_handle<i>::type
Const handle to i-attributes, equal to Dart::Attribute_const_handle<i>::type.
Precondition: 0≤idimension and i-attributes are non void.

Range types

Range of all the darts of cm. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Dart.

Const range of all the darts of cm. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i>
CombinatorialMap:: Attribute_range<i>::type
Range of all the i-attributes (which must be non void), with 0≤idimension. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Attribute_type<i>::type.

template<unsigned int i>
CombinatorialMap:: Attribute_const_range<i>::type
Const range of all the i-attributes (which must be non void), with 0≤idimension. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Attribute_type<i>::type.

template<unsigned int ... Beta>
CombinatorialMap:: Dart_of_orbit_range
Range of all the darts of the <Beta...> orbit. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int ... Beta>
CombinatorialMap:: Dart_of_orbit_const_range
Const range of all the darts of the <Beta...> orbit. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: Dart_of_cell_range
Range of all the darts of an i-cell in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, range of all the darts of a connected component. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: Dart_of_cell_const_range
Const range of all the darts of the i-cell in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, range of all the darts of a connected component. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: One_dart_per_incident_cell_range
Range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell. Cells are considered in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1, 0≤jdim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider one connected component instead of one j-cell. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range
Const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell. Cells are considered in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1, 0≤jdim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider one connected component instead of one j-cell. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: One_dart_per_cell_range
Range of one dart of each i-cell of cm. Cells are considered in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. This type is a model of Range concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
CombinatorialMap:: One_dart_per_cell_const_range
Const range of one dart of each i-cell of cm. Cells are considered in dim dimension (with 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension). If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. This type is a model of ConstRange concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart.

Access Member Functions

bool cm.is_empty () const Returns true iff cm is empty, i.e. it contains no dart.

bool cm.is_valid () const Returns true iff cm is valid.
A combinatorial map cm is valid (see Sections 27.2.1 and 27.2.4) if for all dart handle dh such that *dhcm.darts():

bool cm.is_without_boundary ( unsigned int i) const
Returns true iff cm is wihout i-boundary (i.e. there is no i-free dart).
Precondition: 1≤idimension.

bool cm.is_without_boundary () const Returns true iff cm is without boundary in all dimensions.

size_type cm.number_of_darts () const Returns the number of darts in cm.

Dart_handle cm.dart_handle ( Dart& adart) Returns the dart handle of adart.
Dart_const_handle cm.dart_handle ( Dart adart) const
Returns the dart const handle of adart.

template <unsigned int i>
size_type cm.number_of_attributes () const Returns the number of i-attributes in cm.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.

template <unsigned int i>
bool cm.is_sewable ( Dart_const_handle dh1, Dart_const_handle dh2) const
Returns true iff dh1 can be i-sewn with dh2 by keeping cm valid, i.e. if there is a bijection f between all the darts of the orbit D1=⟨β1,…,βi-2i+2,…,βd⟩(dh1) and D2=⟨β1,…,βi-2i+2,…,βd⟩(dh2) satisfying: f(dh1)=dh2, and for all eD1, for all j∈{1,…,i-2,i+2,…,d}, fj(e))=βj-1(f(e)).
Precondition: 0≤idimension, *dh1cm.darts(), and *dh2cm.darts().

std::ostream& cm.display_characteristics ( std::ostream & os) const
Displays on os the characteristics of cm: its number of darts, its number of i-cells, for each i, 0≤i≤CMap::dimension, and its number of connected components.
Example of output for a 3D combinatorial map containing two disjoint combinatorial tetrahedra:
#Darts=24, #0-cells=8, #1-cells=12, #2-cells=8, #3-cells=2, #ccs=2

Range Access Member Functions

Dart_range& cm.darts () Returns a range of all the darts in cm.
Dart_const_range& cm.darts () const Returns a const range of all the darts in cm.

template<unsigned int i>
Attribute_range<i>::type & cm.attributes () Returns a range of all the i-attributes in cm.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.
template<unsigned int i>
Attribute_const_range<i>::type & cm.attributes () const Returns a const range of all the i-attributes in cm.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.

template<unsigned int ... Beta>
Dart_of_orbit_range cm.darts_of_orbit ( Dart_handle dh)
Returns a range of all the darts of the orbit <Beta...>(dh).
Precondition: *dhcm.darts() and Beta... is a sequence of integers i1,…,ik, such that 0≤i1<i2<…<ikdimension, and (i1≠0 or i2≠1).
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
Dart_of_orbit_const_range cm.darts_of_orbit ( Dart_const_handle dh) const
Returns a const range of all the darts of the orbit <Beta...>(dh).
Precondition: Same as for the non const version.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
Dart_of_cell_range cm.darts_of_cell ( Dart_handle dh)
Returns a range of all the darts of the i-cell containing dh. i-cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, range of all the darts of the connected component containing dh.
Precondition: *dhcm.darts(), 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension.
template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
Dart_of_cell_const_range cm.darts_of_cell ( Dart_const_handle dh) const
Returns a const range of all the darts of the i-cell containing dh. i-cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, const range of all the darts of the connected component containing dh.
Precondition: Same as for the non const version.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,unsigned int dim=dimension>
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range cm.one_dart_per_incident_cell ( Dart_handle dh)
Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing dh. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider the connected component containing dh instead of the j-cell.
Precondition: *dhcm.darts(), 0≤idim+1, 0≤jdim+1 and 0≤dimdimension.
template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,unsigned int dim=dimension>
cm.one_dart_per_incident_cell ( Dart_const_handle dh) const
Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing dh. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider the connected component containing dh instead of the j-cell.
Precondition: Same as for the non const version.

template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
One_dart_per_cell_range cm.one_dart_per_cell () Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell in cm. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, range of one dart of each connected component in cm.
Precondition: 0≤idim+1 and 0≤dimdimension.
template<unsigned int i,unsigned int dim=dimension>
One_dart_per_cell_const_range cm.one_dart_per_cell () const Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell in cm. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, const range of one dart of each connected component in cm.
Precondition: Same as for the non const version.


Dart_handle cm.create_dart () Creates a new dart in cm, and returns the corresponding handle. A new dart is initialized to be i-free, ∀i: 0≤idimension, and to have no associated attribute for each non void attribute.

void cm.erase_dart ( Dart_handle dh) Removes *dh from cm.

template<unsigned int i>
Attribute_handle<i>::type cm.create_attribute () Creates a new i-attribute in cm, and returns the corresponding handle.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.

template<unsigned int i,class A>
Attribute_handle<i>::type cm.create_attribute ( A a) Creates a new i-attribute in cm initialized by the constructor A(a), and returns the corresponding handle. A must be a type compatible with the information contained in the i-attributes (compatible means that there is a constructor for the information type taking an A as parameter).
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.

template <unsigned int i>
void cm.erase_attribute ( Attribute_handle<i>::type ah)
Removes the i-attribute *ah from cm.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, i-attributes are non void, and *ahcm.attributes<i>().

template <unsigned int i>
void cm.set_attribute ( Dart_handle dh, Attribute_handle<i>::type ah)
Associates the i-attribute of all the darts of the i-cell containing dh to ah.
Precondition: *dhcm.darts(), 0≤idimension, i-attributes are non void, and *ahcm.attributes<i>().

void cm.clear () Deletes all the darts and all the attributes of cm.


template <unsigned int i>
void ( Dart_handle dh1, Dart_handle dh2, bool update_attributes=true)
Links by βi two by two all the darts of the orbit D1=⟨β1,…,βi-2i+2,…,βd⟩(dh1) and D2=⟨β02,…,βi-2i+2,…,βd⟩ (dh2) such that d2=f(d1), f being the bijection between D1 and D2 satisfying: f(dh1)=dh2, and for all eD1, for all j∈{1,…,i-2,i+2,…,d}, fj(e))=βj-1(f(e)).

If update_attributes is true, when necessary, non void attributes are updated to ensure the validity of cm: for each j-cells c1 and c2 which are merged into one j-cell during the sew, the two associated attributes attr1 and attr2 are considered. If one attribute is NULL and the other not, the non NULL attribute is associated to all the darts of the resulting cell. When the two attributes are non NULL, functor Attribute_type<i>::type::On_merge is called on the two attributes attr1 and attr2. Then, the attribute attr1 is associated to all darts of the resulting j-cell. Finally, attribute attr2 is removed from cm.

Precondition: cm.is_sewable<i>(dh1,dh2).
If update_attributes is false, non void attributes are not updated; thus cm can be no more valid after this modification.

template <unsigned int i>
void cm.unsew ( Dart_handle dh, bool update_attributes=true)
Unlinks by βi all the darts in the orbit ⟨β1,…,βi-2i+2,…,βd⟩(dh). If update_attributes is true, when necessary, non void attributes are updated to ensure the validity of cm: for each j-cell c split in two j-cells c1 and c2 by the operation, if c is associated to a j-attribute attr1, then this attribute is duplicated into attr2, and all the darts belonging to c2 are associated with this new attribute. Finally, the functor Attribute_type<i>::type::On_split is called on the two attributes attr1 and attr2.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, *dhcm.darts() and dh is not i-free.
If update_attributes is false, non void attributes are not updated thus cm can be no more valid after this modification.

template <unsigned int i>
void cm.link_beta ( Dart_handle dh1, Dart_handle dh2, bool update_attributes=true)
Links dh1 and dh2 by βi. cm can be no more valid after this modification. If update_attributes is true, non void attributes of dh1 and dh2 are updated: if one dart has an attribute and the second dart not, the non null attribute is associated to the dart having a null attribute. If both darts have an attribute, the attribute of dh1 is associated to dh2.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, *dh1cm.darts(), *dh2cm.darts() and (i<2 or dh1dh2).

template <unsigned int i>
void cm.unlink_beta ( Dart_handle dh) Unlinks dh and βi(dh) by βi. cm can be no more valid after this modification. Attributes of dh and βi(dh) are not modified.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, *dhcm.darts(), and dh is not i-free.

Boolean marks

int cm.get_new_mark () const Reserves a new mark. Returns its index. Returns -1 if there is no more available free mark.

bool cm.is_reserved ( int amark) const Returns true iff amark is a reserved mark of cm.
Precondition: 0≤amark<NB_MARKS.

bool cm.is_marked ( Dart_const_handle dh, int amark) const
Returns true iff dh is marked for amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark) and *dhcm.darts().

void cm.mark ( Dart_const_handle dh, int amark) const
Marks dh for amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark) and *dhcm.darts().

void cm.unmark ( Dart_const_handle dh, int amark) const
Unmarks dh for the mark amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark) and *dhcm.darts().

void cm.negate_mark ( int amark) const Inverse the mark amark for all the darts of cm. All the marked darts become unmarked and all the unmarked darts become marked.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark).

void cm.unmark_all ( int amark) const Unmarks all the darts of cm for amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark).

size_type cm.number_of_marked_darts ( int amark) const
Returns the number of marked darts for amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark).

size_type cm.number_of_unmarked_darts ( int amark) const
Return the number of unmarked darts for amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark).

void cm.free_mark ( int amark) const Frees amark.
Precondition: is_reserved(amark).

Has Models
