

The concept Dart defines a d-dimensional dart. A dart mainly stores handles to the darts linked with itself by βi, ∀i, 0≤id. Moreover, it stores also handles to each non void attribute associated with itself.


A dart d0 is never constructed directly, but always created within a combinatorial map cm by using the method cm.create_dart(); A new dart is initialized to be i-free, ∀i: 0≤idimension, and having all its attribute handles initialized to NULL, for each non void attribute.


static unsigned int dimension; The dimension of d0.


Dart handle type.

Dart const handle type.

template<unsigned int i>
Dart:: Attribute_handle<i>::type
Handle to i-attributes, with 0≤idimension.

template<unsigned int i>
Dart:: Attribute_const_handle<i>::type
Const handle to i-attributes, with 0≤idimension.

Access Member Functions

Dart_handle d0.beta ( unsigned int i) Returns βi(d0).
Precondition: 0≤idimension.
Dart_const_handle d0.beta ( unsigned int i) const Returns βi(d0) when d0 is const.
Precondition: 0≤idimension.

Dart_handle d0.beta_inv ( unsigned int i) Returns βi-1(d0).
Precondition: 0≤idimension.
Dart_const_handle d0.beta_inv ( unsigned int i) const
Returns βi-1(d0) when d0 is const.
Precondition: 0≤idimension.

bool d0.is_free ( unsigned int i) const
Returns true iff d0 is i-free.
Precondition: 0≤idimension.

int d0.highest_nonfree_dimension () const
Returns the highest dimension i such that d0 is not i-free. -1 if d0 is free for any dimension.

Dart_handle d0.opposite () Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the same edge than d0, and not to the same vertex. NULL if such a dart does not exist.
Dart_const_handle d0.opposite () const Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the same edge than d0, and not to the same vertex, when d0 is const. NULL if such a dart does not exist.

Dart_handle d0.other_extremity () Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing d0 (but contrary to opposite() not necessarily to the same edge). NULL if such a dart does not exist.
Dart_const_handle d0.other_extremity () const Returns a Dart_const_handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing d0, when d0 is const (but contrary to opposite() not necessarily to the same edge). NULL if such a dart does not exist.

template <unsigned int i>
Attribute_handle<i>::type d0.attribute () Returns the i-attribute associated to d0.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.
template <unsigned int i>
Attribute_const_handle<i>::type d0.attribute () const Returns the i-attribute associated to d0, when d0 is const.
Precondition: 0≤idimension, and i-attributes are non void.

Has Models
