

The function convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3 fills a polyhedron with the convex hull of a set of 3D points contained into a 3D triangulation of Cgal.

#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3.h>

template <class Triangulation_3, class Polyhedron_3>
void convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3 ( Triangulation_3 T, Polyhedron_3& P)
The polyhedron P is cleared and the convex hull of the set of 3D points is stored in P. The plane equations of each face are not computed.
Precondition: T.dimension()==3.


This function requires the following:
  1. Triangulation_3 is a CGAL 3D triangulation.
  2. Polyhedron_3 is an instantiation of CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Traits>.

See Also
